What is Worship?

What is Worship?

Worship is an overflow of your heart rising from honor and extreme submission. In simpler terms, it is the overflow of emotions welling up inside your heart from a place of honor and submission through extreme reverence.

Your love for God overflows to a point where it is not just a feeling inside your heart or a knowledge in your mind. It begins to explode and overflows to where you begin to express it without shame. That overflow doesn’t come from a place of fear.

Here are 5 reasons why we worship:

We Are Created to Worship God.

The Lord describes us as, “The people whom I formed for myself that they might declare my praise.” (Read Isaiah 43:18-21) We are a privileged people. As the scripture says, we were formed in His image and in His likeness. There’s no creature that can praise God the way we can because He has put words in our mouth that are more detailed than any other living being.

The Lord says, “I formed you for Myself. You are Mine.”

I don’t belong to myself.
What I like doesn’t matter.
What I desire doesn’t matter.
What I dream doesn’t matter.
Because I wasn’t created for me, I was created for Him.

He formed us for His pleasure and joy. He didn’t create us to make friends and please everyone around us. He didn’t create us to have a nice job or purchase a nice house. We are created for Him, to declare who He is to generations.

Something happens when you understand this truth:

Our highest purpose for living is to worship God. We were created for Him. [tweet this]

First thing in the morning, think about God because you were created for Him. Worship is in your DNA. Your primary calling is to worship Him. Everything else is secondary, even if you think you’re succeeding. Many times we succeed at good things but not the right thing.

There is no greater failure than to succeed in the wrong thing. [tweet this]

We Are Commanded to Worship.

Often, we forget that we are a chosen people and a holy nation as the scripture says in 1 Peter 2:9, “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvellous light.”

Why is God forcing us to worship? He’s not forcing us. He is telling us to do what is best for life beyond the sand dunes of time. He is asking us to be holy because that is what is good for our soul.

When God speaks He does not work with the logic of our failed human minds. He speaks to us from a different dimension. He speaks from knowing the end from the beginning. We must understand things from God’s perspective.

It’s not about God wanting your worship for His ego. He doesn’t “need” your worship.

Even before He made you He had millions of angels worshipping Him. He had millions of angels worshipping Him perfectly.

Worship doesn’t make God any bigger than He is, but it opens up our soul to His greatness.[tweet this]

God knows what’s best for our spirit.

The Revelation of Who God is Makes Us Worship.

There is no fear in love. Perfect love casts out fear.
We love because He first loved us. (Read 1 John 4:18-19)

There is nothing that we can bring to God that He has not already given us. [tweet this]

You wouldn’t have that 10 percent to bring to the Lord, if He didn’t give you the 100 percent first. The revelation of knowing who God is will cause you to worship, because you have nothing good in you for Him to desire you. There is no good in you.

There is nothing in us worthy of His love, yet He died on the cross for us. [tweet this]

Grateful People Are Worshippers

God is good, He is worthy to be praised with grateful hearts, “For He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever.” (Read 2 Chronicles 5:13-14)

God’s heart aches because there’s a whole generation that is always anxious, complaining and doubting Him. When He finds that one individual surrounded by trouble, pain, brokenness, wounds and yet stands in the middle of the assembly and says, “My God is good and His mercies endure forever”, He shows Himself strong for that person.

A believer that does not have a revelation will only worship Him in the good times. For a matured believer, even in the valley of the shadow of death, he will sing that the Lord is good and His mercies endure forever.

Thank Him because even when we have been bad, He has always been good. [tweet this]

Spirit-Filled People Are Worshippers.

The scripture tells us to worship Him in spirit and in truth. (Read John 24:3-4).

If you have the Holy Spirit, you are aworshipper. The Holy Spirit will move you into the deep place of worship.

Some spiritual lives are in cages because they are hurt, bitter, upset and always depressed. When you break that cage with a grateful and a thanksgiving heart then the rivers of God will begin to overflow out of you.

For the Father is seeking such people to worship Him. What does it mean? He’s searching for you. He’s looking down and searching for real worshippers.

You have no right to fold your hands and sit passively. You stand up for your national anthem, how about for the King of kings? You are standing before the God that saved you.

Will He Find Anybody?

My brothers and sisters, will He find anybody who is worshipping Him in spirit and in truth, with all their might and soul? Let that be you!


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