What if the world lost oxygen for 5 seconds?
Have you ever imagine daytime sky of another color. Have you ever dream to challenge Budimir Sobat, the Croatian free-diver who holds the world record holding his breath for 24 minutes. Have you ever ideate a world without Oxygen? Not long enough for the sake of a nightmare, but just for five seconds. For five seconds only without oxygen, then the World won't be the same as we use to live.
Oxygen makes 21% of our atmosphere and One third of water. Water is at least roughly 60% of the body of all living creatures. No oxygen equals to no cloud on sky and no water to drink and no ocean to enjoy.
Oxygen we inhale is the primary Catalyst of intercellular energy and without it, there's no life. Oxygen makes 21% of atmosphere and losing 21% really means decreasing our atmospheric pressure. Inner ear would blow up and there's no hearing possible even after passing that five seconds. Permanent deafness. A challenged consciousness still wants to learn more?
Are you still okay with that experience? Now what about ultraviolet light that would have no blockage without oxygen. Ozone is molecular oxygen and without oxygen there would be nothing left that can protect us from Sunburn.
Happy news, there's no fire as process fire requires oxygen. But no combustion engine would remain operative. All would stop suddenly. The five seconds are enough for Planes flying above sky to fall on ground where millions of vehicles would have now been come to halt. The structure of them and all pieces of the metal there in the World would instantly weld together. Metals as coated with a layer of oxidation and without oxygen, they would welds with each other without requiring any intermediate liquid phase.
Concrete structures that include buildings, bridges and dams would turn into rubble. Since Oxygen is part of Carbon Dioxide, an important binder of concrete. Without it the concrete would lose its rigidity and become dust.
Now Water. Water is One-Third of Oxygen and without it Hydrogen would turn into gas and being the lightest of all gases, it would rise for the upper troposphere. Every living creature would burst within that fog of hydrogen. Oceans would evaporate with Water in our body that makes 60% of our body.
We all would have a freefall for thousands of feet as Crust of Earth that would now offer not enough stuff to keep everything stay above. Oxygen makes 45% of Earth's Crust.
Hold breathing for five seconds isn't make us live without oxygen but keep storing in lungs. Without oxygen isn't equal to holding oxygen in lungs by any challenger. Without oxygen there's a catastrophe within next moment. Without oxygen there'd be no known life left for us in the cosmic. Without Oxygen World would lose all and won't remain uninhabitable even still on habitable zone of Solar System.
The daytime sky would be dark even with Sun; Oxygen is lifeline of life on earth and without it, even for five seconds, the World would collapse without needing a World War.