What in the world is going on?

What in the world is going on?

What in the World is going on?

Let me rant please …

No logical starting point will do …

How do I explain pure angst

in my soul for human children,

bled, maimed, pierced, blown apart.

What in the world is going on?

Our conscience is now disfigured

and under siege by over 50 million displaced,

thousands of unaccompanied child travelers,

unpaid labourers, refugees, homeless,

sad, raped, abused … while,

proxy warriors’ debate,

the ethnic cleansers

get ready their bleach …

How long will the world watch?

Where did Darwin miss it?

The primeval ugly past, elbows

its way in again and again in gory detail.

Is it Cain and Abel all over again?

Has ‘Damascus’ been rebuilt yet?

Who will now rebuild Gaza or Kyiv?

There is no one else ‘chosen’ or ‘called’ but

Christ … because all the hands on the table

and underneath are fresh with blood,

the atmosphere pungent with gas …

How pathetic is the life blinded

with greed and swollen

with narcissistic self-worship

debating the morality of depravity.

The passive machinery of wealth

for some have become an unwitting

cultural norm, an all too familiar tool

for dastardly crimes …

The voice of God is silenced, bombed out

by angry men who like senseless children

have forgotten what it is to be a child.

How light is ignored

and the common soul mutilated

How did we become like this?

Have we always been this?

What in the world is going on?

Peter Adegbie

#childrenatwar#poetry Ammar Mirza CBE Astrella Newman Mohammed EL-Dharrat Salvia Mirza Munmun KC Julia Charlton


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