What is the world coming to?
Did you know that 1 in 3 people globally do not have access to safe drinking water?
That means 2.2 billion people around the world do not have safely managed drinking water services, 4.2 billion people do not have safely managed sanitation services, and 3 billion lack basic hand-washing facilities!
Now I know all this really matters to you. You think about the future generations, and you ponder on how lucky you have been to live on this side of the world. But it's absolutely disappointing to think that some people, like ourselves, have generous access to water, while others, are counting each drop in a bucket.
You're probably saying, "OK Henna, I get it but what can I physically do to help? I am tied to my job in the day, and my family in the evenings. I am helpless. But I do care, where do I donate?"
Donations do go a long way, but you know what else does?
Supporting the very companies that are part of the solution by investing responsibly.
By being mindful where our money is invested, we are actually supporting change, and supporting those 4 billion some people who shouldn't be considering H2O as a luxury to begin with!
There are so many things we can discuss - starting with how to set up a portfolio that includes these companies and reconsidering those that are depleting our planets resources. All it takes is one conversation and one step in the right direction!
If you need a push, let me know!
Your concerned Adviser,
Henna Dua
Source: UNICEF and WHO. Progress on Household Drinking Water, Sanitation and Hygiene 2000-17: Special Focus On Inequities. 2019.