OMG !!!!! You did not just eat the bones ! , Mr Hyena said in his amazement . He had been waiting for hours for the Lion to finnish eating so that he could have the left over bones but the lion ate the bones too . I have had it with this scavenger lifestyle , eating left overs of other animals . I will do the hunting myself . I will learn and work hard but who will I learn from ? My fellow hyenas are also scavengers and Mr Eagle flys which I cant , the cheetah is also too fast , I don’t like running too much . I know , I will ask the crocodile to teach me how to hunt , I like his lifestyle of just sitting by the beach , chilling and letting the game come to him , he sits there and eats big game . That is the lifestyle I want for less work .
Mr Hyena approached Mr Crocodile , who was just finishing off a juicy antelope , Mr Hyena salivated as he watched this rich Business animal eat something he only dreamt of . After finishing off he told the crocodile his story and the crocodile made a deal that whatever they catch , he would get 60% and hyena 40% and the lessons began immediately .
Mr Crocodile said to the hyena , In this business we use silence and the element of surprise . Do you see that animal drinking water on other side of the river ? , lets go get it . we will approach it from under the water and pounce on it . Mr Hyena told the crocodile in disappointment that he couldn’t swim or breath underwater . The croc said he also cant breath in water but just slowed his heart rate so that less oxygen is used when he was under water but the hyena said he couldn’t do that either .
Mr Crocodile decided to use another technique he uses for hunting and that is waiting . The went under a tree with mr hyena growing at the river side . The crocodile pointed at the bird nest above them . He said , there is our next meal . Mr hyena smiled so , how do we get to the nest in the tree , I cant climb trees and neither can you . Mr crododile smiled and said , you are right for the first time today , I cant climb trees , so what we will do is wait under this tree until the wind blows the nest down , an egg falls or a hatchling falls out . We will feast . After 3 hours , Mr Hyena sighed , I am knee deep in mud and its getting cold for me , how long do we have to wait ? We will wait for 2 weeks and why are you feeling cold , aint you a cold blooded animal like me too ? Mr Crocodile asked . No am not a cold blooded animal and I also cant stay a whole month without eating like you Mr Crocodile , I need to eat every 2 days and besides , I am very hungry as we speak , I need food now . You know what thanks for your time Mr Crocodile , this life wont work for me , even if an animal like a buffalo came right now , I am not strong enough to drown it in water , because I also cannot breath under water or hold my breath . I am out of here , I will ask someone similar to my nature in the dog species on how they hunt .
The hyena is someone looking for a good business
The crocodile is a very very rich person from a different circle of life
In this story , I am trying to show you , how a rich persons ideas or strategies may not really help you especially if you live in two different worlds . You have different natures and strengths . Many people rush to get advise from someone completely on another scale with them . They jump into advanced investments that they don’t even understand like shares , bonds and debentures , investments that take time to materialize . They jump into long term investments when they need the money short term . Your rent is due today but you want to invest for something that gives a return in 6 years ????
The rich man can wait , you cant . Same with the hyena cant wait for 2 weeks before its next meal . You are not a cold blooded animal and you cant swim meaning you don’t understand the environment you are doing business in . You think by reading the definition of a share on google makes you an expert ? You think understanding the concept guarantees your success ?
Do things that are close to you , start a humble business and grow steadily into whatever you want to be in the future . The best advise can be gotten from the people around you and people with the same issues you face . Its not necessarily the rich man that has all the answers , some of them are just rich by inheritance or have things that make their business easier to do , eg Connection, environment and popularity . Do things that are within your reach , don’t do things that confuse you just to look like a sophisticated business person .
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