What works in KFS in Xiaohongshu Marketing (KOL / KOC / KOS

What works in KFS in Xiaohongshu Marketing (KOL / KOC / KOS


Little Red Book KFS Logic, learn this one and understand it

Original small red book planting grass science small red book planting grass science

Familiar with Xiaohongshu merchants, must have heard of KFS, ‘KFS’ full name is KFS product seeding combination placement method, including blogger K (KOL / KOC / KOS and other key opinion leaders), exposure field F (Feeds information flow) and search field S (Search search) three elements.

KFS is not a ‘winning formula’, but a proven Little Red Book marketing strategy ‘nickname’.

The essence behind this ‘nickname’ is: the amplification of good content. Find good content, and according to different marketing purposes, the reasonable configuration of marketing promotion form to amplify the effect.

Consumers face tens of thousands of pieces of content every day, how to make them interested in your promotional content, have an impression and even achieve the conversion, is every business to solve the problem. The representative of this grassroots class will break down the KFS logic in an easy-to-understand way to help merchants understand KFS.

KFS Series #1: KFS Product Portfolio Placement Strategies. Click to view the previous issue of #KeepSeeding36

If you have a lot of confusion about the practical operation of KFS portfolio placement, welcome to follow this article to read and understand the logic of KFS portfolio placement. At the end of the article, there is also the December welfare release of Herbology!

QWhy do KFS combined placement?AKFS marketing matrix combined placement, can effectively solve the business content marketing of the three major ‘cardinal points’: high marketing costs, traffic uncertainty, crowd imprecision.

How many steps does it take for a merchant to do KFS? AKFS=good content X accurate amplification of traffic. ‘KFS’ is the full name of the KFS product seeding combination placement method, the business first with the help of bloggers K (KOL / KOC / KOS and other key opinion leaders) to create good content, and then through the exposure of the field F (Feeds infomercials) and the search field S (Search search) traffic, accurate amplification. Search search) traffic, precisely amplify the influence of good content.

Seed 36 Sneak Peek, long press the image to save it in one click!

K: Dandelion + Bidding Promotion to find Darren 1. How to find Darren?

Brand merchants can differentiate the layout of the Darren matrix according to the stage they are in, and it is recommended to take these three combinations:

① New product period: head and tail heavy, waist light more to find the head and tail KOL, waist KOL can be slightly less. In the early stage of product seeding, the head of the Darren can help the new product to establish the user's mind, guiding the fans to plant grass; the tail Darren can increase the authenticity of the product notes and enhance the user's trust in the experience sharing.

② growth period: appropriate increase in the proportion of waist Darren in the growth period, the waist Darren content is more conducive to increasing the influence of product seeding, businesses can appropriately reduce the proportion of tail Darren, while maintaining the head of Darren put.

③ maturity: focus on influence, break the circle force in the maturity period, the brand has been gradually established, the businessman can waist KOL proportion pulled to the highest, the formation of the waist of the Darren as the main force of the marketing matrix.

2. Why do bidding promotion?

Here to mention one of the advantages of KFS: natural traffic has a life cycle, notes released after 7 days after the gradual decrease in the natural push flow, the flow will decline significantly. The life cycle of commercial traffic is longer, with the help of commercial traffic, the content can be pushed to TA (target audience) more accurately to extend the note cycle.

Therefore, Daren + bidding promotion can expand your natural traffic and extend the life cycle of the traffic to improve the stability of exposure.

F: How to do infomercial promotion? Before doing information flow promotion, merchants first need to clarify the role of information flow: information flow promotion can help merchants accurately target to potential seed users, and strengthen the user's mind through continuous content reach.

The content of the notes should be of high quality and the targeted people should be precise in order to reap good results of infomercial promotion. Therefore, the test notes need to be completed in the front, and then the information flow placement.

1. Test Notes: 531 Highly Commended Notes Funnel Model

Here we share a practical ‘531 Highly Commended Notes Funnel Model’ with the merchants, with the help of this model, the merchants can effectively find the potential of high-quality notes, and accurately amplify the value of high-quality content.

‘5’ means that at least 5 different types of notes (e.g. review, vlog, tutorial, unboxing, immersive, etc.) need to be prepared in the early stage of the test; “3” means that only notes in the Top 30% of the test performance can be considered as high-quality notes; ‘1’ represents the test performance in Top 10% to be considered as head quality notes, which is worth continuous investment.

2. Information flow placement

Information flow placement commonly used french fries (natural traffic), ride the wind/spotlight (commercial traffic).

In the past, the grass has released a number of related placement strategy & practice, businessmen can click the jump to learn: how to put french fries, 10 minutes to understand the wind, the spotlight to cast the flow strategy.

Tips: There are 2 kinds of common problems of information flow - not running out of volume, plan to drop volume. ① ‘run out of volume’ business self-examination: crowd orientation is not accurate, whether the quality of the material is too poor, whether the price / budget is too low; ② ‘plan to drop the volume’ business self-examination: special nodes (such as the double 12) bid whether the competitiveness of the lower, whether to adjust the budget for a number of times affect the stability of placement, notes life cycle is close to the upper limit.

S: how to do search placement? Search promotion is an important step in KFS. Merchants who want to further improve the conversion, it is recommended to carry out search placement to accurately intercept the traffic.

1. What is doing search promotion in KFS?

① ‘Attack’: Attack the large flow of core words, seize the industry user's mind, owning the first show; Attack the small flow of long-tail words, strive for low-cost conversion / low-competitive environment, multi-dimensional full coverage, in order to achieve the purpose of the seeding of education.

② ‘guard’: brand words, product words continue to card position, maximise the conversion of core users to achieve 7 * 24H first defence.

2.Buy word strategy

For different types of consumer groups, brand business buy word strategy is different, it is recommended that you can refer to the following ideas, the use of ‘crowd anti-funnel model’, the first to catch the core population, and then gradually cover the pan-crowd.

Different stages of business KFS marketing focus 1.new product period

During this period, new products often have a low overall market reputation and a weak stock of content on the website, so they need to get quality exposure quickly to enhance consumers' initial impression of the product.

①Marketing focus: quality content reserves, quality notes to build the matrix. ② Strategy: lay more content to strengthen the foundation, do more tests; budget focus on the information flow of extensive exposure; pay attention to category words, enhance the visibility of the industry. ③ KFS method of play is recommended: 50% of the KOL budget + 50% of the proportion of the budget flow; 70% of the proportion of the information flow budget + 30% of the proportion of the keyword budget.

2. Growth period

During the growth period, the pop-ups have accumulated a good reputation inside and outside the station, and a lot of high-quality content has been deposited in the station, so it is necessary to improve the efficiency of the pop-ups in the station's crowd conversion and maintain the heat.

① marketing focus: new customers to expand the circle, maintain the heat. ② Strategy: screening quality seed articles, heavy investment flow to continue to build quality notes; information flow-based, search to strengthen the position; guarding the brand flow, track SOV (Sound Volume Occupancy Rate) strong position. ③ KFS playing method suggestion: KOL budget proportion of 40% + cast flow budget proportion of 60%; information flow budget proportion of 60% + keyword budget proportion of 40%.

3. Mature period

In the maturity period, brand merchants already have a long time of consumer word-of-mouth precipitation, the need to maintain high exposure and high impact, and to carry out continuous crowd breaking circle attempts.

Marketing strategy focus: product renewal, crowd breaking. ②Strategy: focus on head KOL, through the investment flow to enlarge the influence; broken circle directed to expand the new, strengthen the conversion of the search crowd; industry education of high-potential crowd, tapping new customers. Suggestions for KFS: 20% of KOL budget + 80% of investment flow budget; 50% of information flow budget + 50% of keyword budget.


Original 小红书种草学 小红书种草学




































“3”代表测试表现在Top 30%才能算是优质笔记

“1”代表测试表现在Top 10%才能算是头部优质笔记,值得持续投入































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