What work life balance?
What is work life balance?
Work life balance is a situation that exists when an employee feels that their time spent at work, with family and for themselves all add up to about the same amount each week.?A person who has a good work life balance usually makes decisions on what they do within their home and work lives by weighing both sides of each.
What are the benefits of work life balance?
Work life balance is good for all parties involved because it gives everyone more time to do what they need or want to do.?For example, employees who have children would be able to spend more time with them during their off hours instead of being stuck at work. This is beneficial for both the family and the employer because the child gets to spend more time with their parent(s), which is good, but the company also has a less likely chance of being sued for neglect if they have a law requiring parents to spend a certain amount of time with their children.
What are some factors that may impact work life balance?
There are a number of factors that can impact work life balance, but some of the main ones are disability, wage amount, and childcare.?For example, if an employe has a disability, they may need to spend more time on personal matters such as going to doctors' visits or therapy sessions.?This would leave them with less time for their job which could either lead to them being fired or not getting paid as much as someone without a disability.
What is a good way to achieve work life balance ? It's best for employees to keep track of their hours through a phone application or other device so that they know how much time they have spent doing certain tasks during the week. This way it will give people an idea of their work life balance and they can plan accordingly if their work life seems to be more than their personal life or vice versa.