What work has taught me so far

What work has taught me so far

While growing up I went to school and was always eager to finish my studies at the university and then work, since I thought learning was all about going to school, attending classes and then sitting for exams. I didn't know that learning was a continues process which only ends when we take our last breath. After graduating I got my first job as an internal Auditor, Stocks and Operations. I met a group of colleagues from different backgrounds and we had to work together to achieve the company objectives. I was very passionate about my work and always spoke with boldness regardless of the situation and who was involved provided I was right. I thought being that we were colleagues we were friends as well. The reality hit me hard me when my boss started having a negative attitude towards me because people had been going behind my back to paint me black before the director. From that day I learnt a few things about work environment, among which are;

  • We do not have friends in the workplace but colleagues. When you go to work, do what you are suppose to do and then go back home.
  • Not everyone that we interact with in the workplace is happy about our achievements so we should keep off sharing personal life with colleagues.
  • What you say van be used against you. There are people whose work is to bring you down. Keep off side talks about the company or your bosses.
  • Trust no one but yourself. Everyone in the team is a spy the only difference is who they spy for.
  • Hard work pays and so when given task to perform, do it with a lot of passion, avoid complaints and never focus on the intrinsic motivation of the work you are doing.
  • Everything you are doing ensure you learn something out of it. I learnt a lot during this period both at professional and personal level.

From the mistakes that I made during my first professional work , I learnt so many things that keeps me going. My mindset about workplace and colleagues changed and ever since my engagement in the workplace has remained to be purely professional and work related. I am very calculative when sharing my ideas and to whom am sharing. Managerial I strictly do with those concerned. Today as I continue with my work in a different Company I can't make the same mistakes that I did in my first job. Learning by seeing and also by doing are very critical in the workplace. Today as you plan to start working in that organization ensure you start on the right foot by remaining professional.


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