What Women Shaped Your Career?

What Women Shaped Your Career?

LinkedIn challenged the world this week to thank the women who have made an impact in their lives and careers. It may sound like a simple task, but as I’ve thought on it, I’ve found myself overwhelmed with gratitude and with too many names to fit in one post.

Where do I begin??

The story of women who have helped me in my career, or better stated, in life, is continuous…It’s past, present, and I have no doubt future as well.?

I come from a family of strong female figures who surrounded themselves with others like themselves. My great-grandmother, Bella, was the educated daughter of a Chassidic Rabbi who ran a business and influenced generations. Her daughter, my grandmother, was a passionate supporter of charities and founded chapters of many in San Fransisco.

My late mother, whom I have written about before, landed on what seemed the moon to her, as the wife of a Rabbi building what became an influential congregation in NY with services, a school, and daily non-stop programming…and she turned that into a full-time job supporting our father in the community, including teaching music, and making lunch for the kids in the school in its early days. She inspired many who still talk about her, including the wives of Rabbis who came after our Father. And one of them, Blu G., is my mentor and “rabbi” to this day.?

Mom also taught us the entire Pete Seeger and Peter, Paul, and Mary canon (secret Red? Hmmm…), which became a part of my politics and my deep friendship with Peter Yarrow.

In our community, where we grew up, women were not just leaders in non-profit fundraising and organization—Carla S. comes to mind—but successful business people as well in real estate, manufacturing, and retail. The names are legends to me…Zita P., Marilyn S., Lizz L...Inspiring our mother (and us), who later became an incredibly successful real estate broker making deals for many of our friends and never saying a word to us…her discretion was ironclad…we learned only from our friends, and even then she would only nod.

I attended a co-ed school where the girls/young women were every bit as competitive as their male counterparts and excelled no less and often more. Debbie M., Boni N., Judy T., just to name a very few who still inspire me.?

Bottom line, by the time I got into the workplace, it never occurred to me that I should be playing into the gender gap or taking advantage of a “Man’s World.”

Almost every job I ever had, I worked for and with women, and every one of them helped me advance by teaching me skills in the job…but more importantly, they taught me life skills, like how to listen, react, and not be afraid of emotion. The list goes on.

In Y&R, my first boss—which meant the boss of my supervisor, Barbara T.—was a stickler for preciseness and no-frills. I was rash…an idea-a-minute, big picture thinker (at least in my mind)…She reined me in and counseled Mark, whom I have written about many times…She taught him how to deal with me. Bless them both.?

I have written about Barbara A. from that same era, who inspired me in so many ways as well, and I continue to pay forward her kindness.?

When I was recruited to go to another agency, I was a “kid”—literally. I was told to hire 15 people. It wasn’t like today where there is an organized HR department, benchmarks, and such. It was simply, “Go out and get people.”?

The first person I called was the smartest person I knew. Sue K., a friend from Y&R, and while I was prepared to beg she said yes right away. I paid her more than I got…she deserved it…Bottom line? She is still a close friend and we still work together. A blessing for me. I still learn from her.?

When I came into Burson-Marsteller, years later, all my bosses were women. I learned from them all…Nancy R. and Edna. K in particular, and we are still close.?

As I said, the list goes on and on. At Genesis Direct, there were many key women executives from who I learned new skills from…Kathleen C. and Monica H. at Wunderman…Amy R. and others, and then back at Y&R.

And today at DoAble, where I am a Co-Founder and Partner, my two “Co-founders/Partners”, Robin D. and Rachel K., inspire me every day…no holds barred.?

KNEE JERK ALERT…I am not addressing the Gender Gap…yes, there was inequity…there still is inequity in roles and numbers and share of voice, you don’t need to tell me that…

I am simply pointing out that despite that, there are many women in my life and career who have had an outsized influence on who I am and what I became…and am still becoming.?

This all leads me to my wife, Debbie, who has been my Emperor’s New Clothes voice for the past 40+ years…our daughters, Tanya and Elianna, who are no less open, honest, and fearless in their candid assessments…LOL…the three of them can be brutal at times…and of course, Gemma, Goldy, and Sadie, our granddaughters who already have assumed that same leadership role…OWWWW…as you can see, the women rule.?

And how could I not mention Shelly Z&D; Caryl S; Mindy G; Erica J; Jerri D; Desiree G; Dolores G; Debbie K; Joy L; Gayle T; Petu: Sylvia Z; Muriel W; Julia Z...

I’ve been blessed in life and career. Nothing more to say.?

Who are the women who have made an impact in your career??

Deborah South

Realtor at Hodges & Fooshee Realty

2 年

Awesome article!! My mom and sister were so helpful in my life and career!

Shirley Shahar

Co-Founder at DANA Venture Builder and investment platform

2 年

David, thank you for being a great supporter of women. Your support, coming from the heart and accompanied with actions and real engagement, is so much appreciated??

Mark Taylor

CXO, CDO. Investor, advisor.

2 年

First of all, as a recipient of your “paying it forward “, thank you Barbara A. I have had three female bosses in my career and each has given and taught me much. Christiane Q. Glennys K and Becky C. I too try to pay that forward.

Romi Mahajan

Chief Executive, Chief Marketing Officer, Science-Commercializer, PropTech Advisor, and Strategist, Author, Investor

2 年

My mother, Dr. Sharmila Roy, my stepmom Kalpana Sutaria, my wife Parul Shah, my daughter Kimaya Mahajan, Rosa Luxemborg, Marie Curie, Zoya Khosmodemyanskaya, Sophie Scholl, Aruna Asaf Ali, Fannie Lou Hamer, Diane Nash, Sarojini Naidu-- to name a few.

Anamika Das

Creative T-Shirt Designer

2 年

Thanks for sharing this


