What window is this?
Linux sys admin, python developer and amateur photo/digital art editor
I installed #Q4OS and I'm curious about what programs are run when I manually launch them from the desktop menu.
For example, this configuration window to configure keyboard shortcuts.
I have to go through a series of clicks in order to find it, and it's not even in the right place (why on earth is it in regional settings??)
So I decided to write a one liner bash script to point and click a window, and it would tell me to what program it belongs
$ cat ~/SCRIPTS/BASH/desktop.window.pid
ps $(xprop | (pid=$(command grep PID); echo ${pid##*=}))
Now I just need to run desktop.window.pid; click on any window; and get its name printed.
Cool! so now I only need to run tdecmshell keys next time I want to add a keyboard shortcut.
And as usual, I'll probably create an alias for it (desktop.keys? sounds promising).
Hello! I’m Yassine.
I am a fan of linux & bash (20+ years)
Reach out if you need any help! see my about.me profile for more info.