What Wikipedia Can't Tell You About How I Got Started Marketing

What Wikipedia Can't Tell You About How I Got Started Marketing

Knowing is not enough,

We must do.

Willing is not enough,

We must apply.”

Coming up with a change in mindset is the number 1 thing everyone should look for. Do you know what is the largest gap between successful and unsuccessful people? That is a thinking gap. I started thinking differently. I started filling my mind correctly. I started focusing on today keeping the destination in my mind. Because I started believing that the only time I have is now. So what can I do now? I can prepare today for tomorrow’s success. Everybody needs the motivation to take action but I learned that motivation is a byproduct of my action. Isn’t it wonderful to keep motivation as a byproduct of our action rather than keeping it as a foundation? 

“Wise thinking leads to right living

Stupid thinking leads to wrong living”

Law of marketing: Marketing is a science and not creativity.

22 aspects of the law of Marketing

  • Leadership: Try to become first than to become better
  • Category: If you cannot become first then set up a new category
  • Mind: First be in the mind than to be in the market
  • Perception: It’s not about your product, it is about your perception
  • Focus: Have a word on people’s tongue
  • Exclusivity: Not more than one company can have the same word in people’s mind
  • Ladder: Use your position in the marketplace wisely.
  • Duality: In the long run, everyone has a competitor in the same category, same niche
  • Opposite: If you are in 2nd position your strategy should be depending upon the leader.
  • Division: After some years category will be divided into two or more categories
  • Perspective: Effects of your marketing has influence in people’s mind for over an extended period of time
  • Line Extension: Scaling/Extending a business
  • Sacrifice: To get something you have to give up on something
  • Attribute: every attribute of yous will have an opposite and effective attribute
  • Candor: if you admit a flaw your prospect will give you a positive side
  • Singularity: After trying 100s of marketing strategies only 1 move will bring you great results 
  • Unpredictability: Future cannot be predicted
  • Success: Most of the time success leads to egotism and egotism leads to failure
  • Failure: Failure has to be accepted only then you can work on it to fix it. And failure teaches you more than success ever will
  • Hype: Market is not always what we see in the press
  • Acceleration: Building trends have helped businesses a lot instead of building fads. (IG trends would be the best example)
  • Resources: Use your resources to their fullest but at the same time wisely because it the only thing that will help your idea to get off the ground.

I will start this section with a negative word. 

Why do not learn Marketing?

Because when you learn marketing you’ll know consumer behavior and you’ll also know how to respond to them. You’ll learn advertising a product, promoting a product, building relationships, and insights about customers. You will also learn how to collaborate with people positively. You have very diverse career paths such as General manager, Advertising expert, digital marketeer, customer insight specialist, market researcher, digital analyst, and last but not least a BUSINESS OWNER/ENTREPRENEUR. All these aspects and knowledge will change you’ll mindset and I guess they are very crucial to meet the challenges in the 21st century. You’ll prepare yourself for the Indian market and be strongly prepared for the international market.

Why you need good communication skills?

It is the most important aspect in not only marketing but also in life. Try to communicate in the simplest way the other person can understand. In a conversation, if the listener does not understand what the speaker is trying to convey, then it is the speaker’s mistake. Speaker should explain to the listener in the way he/she understands and should acknowledge whether the listener is understanding. Do not fall for the trap of assumptions just ask and clear the things out. If the listener is not understanding what the speaker is trying to tell then the speaker should be more specific and clarify the things. You can always refine your communication by using examples so that listener understands in a better way. We can understand this concept by seeing through and example when we play Dumb charades if you are the one who is enacting the movie name then you have a clear idea about what is the name of the movie while the audience sitting in front of you has no idea about what the movie name would be, isn’t it? You are trying your best to make them understand the movie’s name, but as they have no idea about the movie they’ll not be able to tell the correct movie sometimes. But that is not the case always if you try to become more specific about what you want to tell then there are more chances of the audience understanding the name of the movie. I hope you understood what I want to tell you guys, Haha…

How does the world economy work?

Macroeconomics is the term that tells us how trade in a country happens, then how the trade works between two countries, and gradually how the world trade occurs and that is termed as Global economy. The global economy is a study of the flow of money. World trade works on two basic assets depending on which the money flows.

Firms meaning industries or companies, provide goods and services to the household sector in return household sector provides firms with labor, land, capital; does it come for free? It would have been great if it came for free but that does not happen. That’s where the role of money comes into the picture. Firms provide goods and services to the household sector in return for money and in the same way households provide labor in return for a salary, land in return for rents, and provides capital in return for interests. But we do not spend all the money we earn, right? We save some money for emergency funds, etc. These savings don’t just stay in your bank accounts. Banks invest this money in firms in return for interest. There is also government standing strong for us, government hires people for the work done how do they get paid? The government earns money from the taxes we pay. Therefore, we can say that the work that government does is the inwards flowing of money into the economy and the taxes we pay are the outwards flowing of money from the economy. In global trades importing of goods is the process of money flowing outwards and exporting is the money flowing inwards to the economy. I will take an example to get a better understanding, India imports software from the USA in return for money so that becomes the money flowing outwards in the economy, and at the same time when India exports precious stones and pharmaceuticals to the USA in return for the money that becomes the inwards into the Indian economy.

Traditional Marketing V/S Digital Marketing

Traditional Marketing: Traditional Marketing is good in its own way. What are ways to do traditional marketing? Newspaper Advertising, pamphlets distribution. This type of marketing has a high cost with not-so-high profits. This type of marketing has a short-term result and does not work in a long run.

Digital Marketing: Digital Marketing will gain the online presence of the business through a website, get a targeted audience to whom businesses can market services to their customers through paid advertising and awareness campaigns to generate high sales with lower investment. Digital marketing has a greater return on investment(ROI) plus it has an influence on the longer run.

How is wealth related to Funnel?

In digital marketing, funnel building is considered a very crucial and great skill to have. Funnel is a journey of a consumer from awareness to purchase. CATT is the method to this journey. 

C- To create awareness you need content

A- Pull attention of your prospects to your business

T- Trust will help you gain new clients as well as retain old clients.

T- Transaction is the final stage of the funnel that is Win-Win for all as it helps your client solve his/her problem and you get paid to solve his/her problem.

On scale: 

X-axis: CATT funnel

Y-axis: Wealth

Wealth is proportional is to the CATT funnel. The graph of Wealth V/S CATT funnel is exponential. The growth with this funnel method is exponential. Digital Deepak has developed an equation Wealth = n^CATT, where n is niche. As you choose a niche as much as the funnel is conversion-oriented it help you and your prospect generate a high amount of sales.

How Integrated Digital Marketing helps businesses?

Six frameworks of digital marketing are

  • Email Marketing
  • Paid advertising
  • Content Marketing
  • Social Media
  • SEO
  • Sell & Convert

What I learned in this section is we cannot expect great results without practicing actual digital marketing. If we use only a single framework of digital marketing we cannot get results that our competitors are getting using other frameworks. All the frameworks are depended on each other to generate high sales and get great results for our prospects.

How Personal Branding helps in personality development?

Practicing to create a brand around a person rather than a business is termed personal branding. By building a great personal brand it helps a person to secure a job, sell more products in the business, and develop much better options in his/her career.

How can we improve personal branding?

  • Create a personal branding statement
  • Build a strategy
  • Monitor engagement
  • Have a communication plan
  • Measure success regularly

What can destroy Personal Brand?

  • Ignoring other influencers
  • Ignoring followers
  • Creating content
  • Wrong branding
  • Inconsistency
  • Not thinking of the long term

What did we see in this article?  

  1. Correct mindset for marketing
  2. 22 aspects of the law of marketing
  3. Why do not learn marketing?
  4. How are communication skills developed in a person?
  5. How global economy works in simple words?
  6. Traditional V/S Digital Marketing
  7. Wealth V/S CATT funnel graph
  8. How integrated digital marketing helps?
  9. Influence of personal branding 

Lastly, I would like to conclude this article with a quote

“Biggest life lessons are

Learned the hard way”


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