What, Why, and How: The Art of Beating Procrastination
“Ahhh! I will read this article later. I have things to do.”
There are two reasons we have this thought.
1?? We are prioritizing what’s urgent and important at the moment. (This is not what we procrastinators do.)
2?? We find reading stressful compared with scrolling and watching Instagram reels or YouTube shorts. We put this article into our “Never Going to Open Save for Later” box. And we move to an easy and fun-to-do task.
Why is it so?
We can tell what is going to help us in being more productive and a better version than yesterday but rather we spent our time in useless scrolling.
It is because of procrastination. In this newsletter 002, we will explore;
?? What is procrastination? (It is necessary to the problem before finding a solution)
?? Why do we procrastinate? (Knowing how a problem infects us will eventually help us in solving it)?
?? How to overcome procrastination with 4 tips (plus a bonus 5th tip, my personal weapon against procrastination)
What is procrastination?
Procrastination means avoiding tasks we said we would do – knowing the fact that it will bring negative consequences.
When our mind senses any task as a threat, stressful, or requires effort, it responds via procrastination as a defense mechanism that saves us from any stressful event and saves our energy.
You already know procrastination is not a good habit but you still do. Because it takes your stress away by making you get busy with fun and easy-to-do stuff.
Procrastination is not laziness.
Laziness is marked as having no energy to do a task or doing nothing.
While procrastination is replacing an important task at hand with an unimportant and easy-to-do task.
Why do we procrastinate?
I have a presentation on Tuesday and today is Saturday. I sat down on my laptop, opened the PowerPoint, and start staring at the screen.
Suddenly, I notice some dust on my disorganized working desk.
I stand up and start cleaning and organizing my desk.
You can relate to my story.
Whenever I think of working on a task at hand. Within no time, my mind clicks and realizes the situation of missing out on “This NASA Camera Melted During a SpaceX Rocket Launch, But the Photos Survived!” and “Who Slapped Who at the Oscars.”
Tim Urban gives the concept of three beings in our brains.
?? A Rational Decision Maker
?? An Instant Gratification Monkey
?? A Panic Monster
The rational decision maker takes the decision for every step we take. He tells us to start working on our thesis, begin creating the presentation, and start writing the monthly report. But the Instant Gratification monkey starts interpreting the rational decision maker because the monkey believes humans are animals like many others. They only need to be fed and protected. So, it takes charge of the rational decision-maker and makes us do fun and easy-to-do tasks.
The monkey is protecting us from spending our energy on things that are not fun or not related to eating food.
But when the deadline approaches, the Panic Monster wakes up. The Instant Gratification monkey is afraid of the monster so it runs away and hides up in the tree.
As long as the Panic Monster is there, the monkey does not return and the charge of our brain is handed over to the Rational Decision Maker. That is why we are able to do a whole month's work in just three days before the deadline.
How to overcome procrastination?
How to overcome procrastination with 4 tips (plus a bonus 5th tip, my personal weapon against procrastination)
Whenever we procrastinate we feel bad. Meaning our brain wants us to overcome the limiting we apply by creating a sense of stress, fear, or negative emotions. There are 4 different methodologies to overcome procrastination. I use all of these depending on the situation.
??Overcoming Procrastination Method 01: We cluster our minds with negative emotions of anxiety, stress, depression, and confusion because of the workload and public embarrassment (in our already imagined failure/rejection).
Big Task directly proportional to (stress)2
To reduce stress by dividing the task into small elements. All the animal kingdom is naturally attracted to easy-to-do tasks. The Instant Gratification Monkey won’t bother you when the task at hand is tiny.
??Overcoming Procrastination Method 02: Get conscious of your feelings. Journal why this task is stressing you out. What is the actual reason? Put your thoughts on paper. Journaling transfers the confusion from your mind to the paper. The first eight lines will not make any sense. What comes after will start making the clear picture.
My journaling habit is like self-talk. I start by giving reasons why I am not interested in doing this task. Then my own mind gives a counterpoint on how to tackle it.
??Overcoming Procrastination Method 03: A method which everyone tells. Remove distractions. Set clear boundaries between what you said you would do and the distractions. When you respect your work and your time, then your pride will get involves and it will do anything to keep that pride up.
??Overcoming Procrastination Method 04: You know that when a deadline arrives, you pull all night and complete the task.
What if there is no deadline for a task?
Like improving your public speaking or saving money to buy a house.
The Bonus tip here is to wake up your Panic Monster ?? and shew off the Monkey ??.
According to CDC, the average life in the US is 77 years. In Pakistan, life expectancy is 65 years (says WHO).
How much time, we are left with them? For me, the answer is 43 years.
Keep this in mind as a deadline and keep your panic monster awake.
What are you waiting for now? Go and get your plan together and start working from now.
See you in the next Newsletter.
Resources used in this newsletter
Tim Urban Inside the Mind of a master procrastinator | TED Talk
Why you procrastinate even when it feels bad | TED-Ed