What, where, when; how and why are the most symmetrical scarce resources of moderate and extreme seasons happening?

What, where, when; how and why are the most symmetrical scarce resources of moderate and extreme seasons happening?

What, where, when; how and why are the most symmetrical scarce resources of moderate and extreme seasons, inclusive of four strategic objects necessary for designing broader and the broadest business income tax schedules, are recurring, being utilized, recorded and predicted per 59.137577seconds on the marginal dates of Pagume 6 and September 11?

Kermpt & Bega Pagume 6, Amete Mehret and Summer & Winter September 11 Anno Domini (what) are the most symmetrical scarce resources of moderate and extreme,?recurring, being utilized, recorded and predicted per 59.137577seconds in wide and narrow zones 3 & 4, and 2 & 5 (where) on the marginal dates of Pagume 6 and September 11 (when); Kermpt Pagume 6 of wide zone 3 is rotating east to west (backward) faster than Summer September 11 of narrow zone 2 against the fastest rotations of the equators, when simultaneously, Bega Pagume 6 of wide zone 4 is rotating west to east (forward)?faster than Winter September 11 of narrow zone 5 in the east north orbit (how); because sun does divide an earth into six daylight zones ( from the equator) and four orbits ( from the center of sun).

Four strategic objects necessary for designing and deriving broader and the broadest business income tax schedules per marginal dates of Pagume 6 and September 11 are (i) three categories of four tax periods- gifts of nature, (ii ) income tax base- individual income determined by market, (iii) three steps income tax brackets and (iv) marginal taxes. the 3rd and 4th objects are dividing income tax base of the 2nd object into three brackets and marginal taxes through the allocation, stabilization and distribution functions public finance ( tax policy objectives).

The first income tax bracket is zero marginal tax; the allocation function requires the first income tax base level is free from taxation both from the source side and use side of the consumer budget constraint. Thus, the government mobilizes zero tax revenue in the first income tax bracket; the marginal disposable income of the tax payer is unit of Birr. It is the interaction of satisfaction motivated consumer and profit motivated producer in the free market determine the market equilibrium at a point of time. Classical economists’ utility is measured by monetary unit. Marginal utility of money is constant, Birr measures utility of Ethiopians, dollar measures utility of Americans, Pound measures utility of Britain, and so on. Diminishing marginal utility of the commodity, Marginal utility of the commodity equal the market price of the commodity determines equilibrium of the consumer. The positive segment of the marginal utility is an individual demand curve.

The second income tax bracket, the second income tax base is subject to marginal tax of 0.10 Birr, and marginal disposable income of 0.90 Birr which intern divided into marginal propensity to save of 0.50 Birr and marginal propensity consume of 0.40 Birr imported goods, determined by stabilization function of tax policy objective: price stability, employment generation, favorable balance of payment and economic growth. Marginal tax of 0.10 Birr equals average tax of 0.10 Birr.

The third income tax bracket, the 3rd income tax base is subject to marginal tax of 0.15 Birr, and marginal disposable income of 0.85 Birr which intern divided into marginal propensity to save of 0.50 Birr and marginal property consume of 0.35 Birr imported goods through distribution function of tax policy objective. In this bracket marginal tax is greater than rising average tax that income tax revenue increases as income tax base increases is sufficient condition for the definition of progressive income tax.?


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