What were the secret service doing whilst the Clintons were at Epstein Island?
Trent Middleton
Independent consultant, Solving the impossible problems every day, contributing to the world in a positive way. Created the unpressedented course into reading behavior, lie detection and all major investigations.
The secret service has a detail for all former presidents and there also would have been one for Hilary Clinton, so what were the Secret Service doing whilst Bill was getting it on with underage girls and whilst Hilary was drinking blood with adrenochromes. How can the USA be trusted at any level anymore, they CIA and FBI put out statements saying that the hunter Biden Laptop was Russian disinformation when they knew it was true and the Burisma energy story was also called Russian disinformation knowing for well that it was true.
The USA not only started the war in Ukraine now they are going to allow ICBM intercontinental ballistic missiles to be sent deep into Russia, but That is also not a defence of Ukraine that is no different to terrorism. The USA has only had one foreign policy for the past 100 years and that has been war first second third and fourth with diplomatic talks only being considered when they realised the unintended consequences. The war was over 3 days in when a peace treaty was signed by President Putin and Zelensky with other independent high-level diplomats witnessing it, and the Russian army was already leaving Ukraine. President Biden then sent Borris Johnson over to Ukraine to tell him to go to war with Russia. What was on the peace agreement only 2 things President Putin wanted number one was for Ukraine not to join NATO and to deal with the Neo Nazi’s that have plagued Ukraine with violence against the eastern cities in Ukraine where they were continually killing ethnic speaking Russian Ukrainian people.
If Russia allowed Ukraine to join NATO, it would have not only been against the agreement when the wall came down but also posed a serious threat to Russia. Ukraine had several biological weapons laboratories, but it would also mean that there would not be any distance from the west posing a huge security threat to Ukraine. The Ukrainian people were almost 50/50 on a vote to join Russia so they did not care about the ability to join NATO. President Putin has been extremely patient and conservative with the military approach to Ukraine if Russia wanted to it could take out Ukraine in 3 minuets.
What else was found in Ukraine a state-owned orphanage that had been getting money from Rosemont Seneca LLC run by John Kerry’s son in law. So, when Russian Solders found this, they collected the records of all patients in the orphanage and their medial records showing 22 golden bloods. Golden bloods or RH null blood is a person who can universally give blood and organs without the requirement of Blood typing or crossing. Prior to this finding there were a known 52 people on planet earth that had golden blood. The orphanage also had several people that were carriers of serious viruses so they could conduct research on them creating biological weapons. Russia did everything possible to avoid this war including sending all this information to the UN and NATO with evidence that included two research scientists that contracted Ebola virus in the lab they worked. Before Russia could investigate the two scientists were picked up by the USA and sent to Andrew’s air force base where they died and 2 days after were issued with citizenship and passports in the USA.
Article by
T j Middleton
Independent consultant, Solving the impossible problems every day, contributing to the world in a positive way. Created the unpressedented course into reading behavior, lie detection and all major investigations.
5 个月Notice how this guy has a military style haircut you'd think the head of the Secret service was former special forces but no he wrote parking tickets in miami