What went wrong ?
As the various players in international air transport seek sophisticated and creative ways to enable sustainable growth in their service offerings, it is simply impossible not to notice that real-world facts force us to a reflection.
Worldwide, in scaring growth pace, society has been shaken by news on incidents and accidents, which cause huge financial losses and eventually cost human lives.
It shouldn't be like this. Where are we doing wrong ?
In other words, all challenges inherent in the desire to grow an activity that depends on a finite infrastructure (usable airspace and airport surface), have been foreseen and studied in a timely manner and Best Practices to deal with them, have been publicly recommended.
What didn't work, then?
It seems that the human intelligence, of the various players, involved in planning the sustainable growth of the activity (within their isolated silos of individual planning) has not been capable of transforming knowledge into wisdom.
And the bad news is that not even information technology, biometrics and artificial intelligence together, will be able to replace the logic and common sense, that human intelligence seems to have disregarded.
As the Dakota Tribe Indians would say, "If the horse is dead, it's best to dismount“.
It's time to rewind the tape, review all best practices proposed (and ignored) for decades and admit that current events are nothing but obvious consequences, of a long period of inaction and obsession with growth "no matter what“ !
Let's not expect artificial intelligence to do this for us. There is no such thing as "Artificial Consciousness."