What this week has taught me... be fearless with pursuits!
Samantha Gibson
Make an impact where you go, and in doing so the world becomes a better place.
Oh my gosh Beckayyyyyy! What a week. Okay fine! What a month.
Many of you know who I am. I am not sure how many of you know I am a believer. Now don't get me wrong: I AM a believer but I do NOT have scriptures memorized to save my life. However, I have this strong connection to my faith and it allows my convictions to be in bold fashion and leaves me and others many times like " oh my gosh that is crazy!!!!"
Lately I have been working way more hours than I care to count, I have been pushing myself to points that require heavy makeup to look "put together" lol ... oh and I have a house filled with a family and responsibilities.
But this week I asked myself a very simple question: BUT WHAT DO I WANT WHEN I GROW UP?
Just because I am a mother of 5 and a wife with grown up bills, it does not discount that I am in a place of trying to figure things out. I know without doubt I want to move mountains and show others that impossible things CAN be done when you do what is right in your heart.
Lately, there have been some crazy "signs" taking place each time I obey what I feel is being asked of me. As if to remind me, "put one foot in front of the other".
So I did something different this week: I took a breath and started making connections to promote my Real Estate business ...like ACTUALLY promote that I am looking to list homes.
I started my justwalkinfaith blog... again
(THAT is a story in itself how it came to be "live")
I also decided to have some "interrogate reality" conversations with my team at Oranje so we can make magic happen. My team has been doing some amazing things, and have been building synergy within their roles.
In other words, I needed to remind myself I have what it takes to do some pretty great things but I cannot do it alone. I am pursuing my passions fearlessly to own all I do, and to ask for help along the way.
I want to "own something" when I grow up! I want it to live a story, have a story, and breathe life in ways that leave others around me inspired so that they too can achieve whatever is in their calling to do!
This sounds so pretty doesn't it. All put together--- except for one thing:
It is messy, scary, vulnerable, intense, exhausting, andddddd BEAUTIFUL! Some pretty amazing things are happening right before my eyes and for others to see and benefit from as well.
You see, I lead with what I feel my calling is. I lead with my faith. It is my guide and compass.
Because I have learned, that if you lead doing what is right you can't go wrong. So let's pursue fearlessly in the weeks ahead!