What is web 3.0 and what does it mean for Supply Chain Management?
New technology has never faced a warm welcome in the business world where only a few are ready to take them up without fearing risks. One example is how NFTs were viewed in 2018 at the ART and Tech Summit. 300 NFTs were given away for free but only 12 people took up the offer not knowing their value. Today, the people who did claim their NFTs are selling them for over USD 10,000. the value of NFTs and fungible tokens, thanks to the capitalization of the global cryptocurrency, its market value has reached millions.
Tokenization and blockchain are revolutionizing transactions, management of rights, and values. It has led to the advent of the new internet technology called web 3.0 which brings decentralization of data. This new technology has already started to take flight in several industries, specifically in the supply chain sector.?
Further down this article, we’ll see what web 3.0 brings to the table and why the supply chain must be quick to transform with it.
Web 3.0 Technology: Bringing Change into the Business World
The internet, as we know it, has been through several changes. Web 1.0 used a client/server model which involved a centralized computing and information storage model. A single computer system stored and managed data but lacked any real-time communication between the computers.
Web 2.0 was launched to allow users to create and share content via the internet. It used a decentralized data model, a large-scale computer system network, and real-time communication between the systems.
This web 2.0 takes internet capabilities one step further. It uses a set of protocols that change the way the internet is wired in the back end, governing identity, ownership, rights, and overall increasing the decentralization of the web.
Web 3.0 Enhancing Supply Chain Management
Web 3.0 is powered by blockchain technology which provides unique data sets managed without a unique point of failure. It allows the participants in a network to exchange data, transact and share values or rights without an intermediary with features and apps like smart contracts, decentralized apps (Dapps), and more.
Here are some benefits of web 3.0 and how it helps supply chains:
1. Streamlining Processes
Web 3.0 will make it simple for businesses to keep track of all parties engaged in a transaction. Companies and organizations will be able to easily construct and manage supply chains thanks to the technology. Smart contracts may automate any contract, making corporate operations easier.
2. No need for third-party Intervention
There is no need for third-party service providers with blockchain, smart contracts, and Dapps. It will assist firms in lowering expenses and increasing their competitiveness. Web 3.0 technology will enable every business owner to take control of all internal operations and engage directly with customers without the intrusion of third parties.
3. Bringing Efficiency in Collaboration among Customers, Employees, and Suppliers.
The goal of Web 3.0 is to make businesses more transparent to the people who are participating in their transactions. This is accomplished by maintaining an immutable record of transactions that is visible to everyone on the blockchain. As a result, it makes it simple for businesses to meet their governance obligations by maintaining openness. The decentralized ledger allows businesses to keep track of their transactions and supply-chain operations.
4. Increased Security
With Web 3.0, it becomes very simple for businesses to implement a secure ledger system, making it more difficult for hackers to gain access to important consumer information. As a result, businesses can simply avoid data breaches involving their customers or employees. It also aids them in ensuring the safety of financial transactions.
5. Ledger-Based Contracts
The contract is stored on a blockchain rather than on a single computer system in Web 3.0, making it more efficient and transparent for all parties involved. Because every interaction would take place between only two computers, there will be no risk of data leaks or hacking. It aids firms in reducing contracting disputes and improving contract administration efficiency.
6. Better Customer Relations
Every transaction in Web 3.0 is recorded in the ledger and visible to all parties involved, making them more transparent and accountable to their customers. It facilitates the tracking of commercial transactions, allowing businesses to build long-term client connections. Companies may disclose data about their business operations with customers, making it simpler to create confidence among potential clients.
7. Better Efficiency in Supply Chains
On Web 3.0, businesses may simply track their supply networks. It will assist businesses in streamlining procedures and rapidly identifying any issues with product manufacturing or service delivery. As a result, businesses can add value to their customers by offering better products and minimizing waste in their operations.
In Conclusion
Web 3.0 is overall a new yet capable technology that can enhance business processes everywhere and not just in the Supply chain. If you are looking for a solution to enhance your supply chain management, venturing into innovations with web 3.0 can be a potential key to unlocking the future.
Procmart can render additional supply chain solutions to enhance your operation with mission-critical insights and innovative technology. Reach out to us for more details on our services.