what we think is dead
Liesl Drought
The Burnout Coach less burnout, more magic ?human design ????travel & cocktail enthusiast ??work with me
See this mint plant? I thought it was dead.?????????
Before we went to the lake this summer, I thought I had fried this poor mint plant. You can still see the dead stick coming out the left side. I had left it in full sun, forgotten to water it. It was seriously dried up and crispy. I wish I had a before picture to show you, but it was rough.?????????
So before we left for the week, I moved it to a shadier spot close to our front door and gave it a good long drink - just in case. Telling myself that I would throw it away once we got back.?????????
But when we drove up on Sunday, this was the state of the mint plant. It wasn't dead at all. It was much more resilient than I thought.?????????
I know we do this with ourselves all the time. We burn ourselves out and then feel like we have to change every aspect of our lives (or throw it all away) in order to thrive. Or we think that this is just how life is, we have to deal with being burnt and crispy. We have no choice.?????????
Often, my clients want to scrap everything instead of making small changes (like less light + more water) and seeing how that feels. Or they're afraid that change isn't possible, so they try to stick it out without changing things (like moving from that hot, sunny spot).?????????
I'm not here to say that it's never time to leave that job, relationship, business, whatever. But I want you to know it's possible to change a few things and see a big difference. Anywhere. With anything. Little hinges swing big doors after all.?????????
If you're feeling burntout, know there is another way. You don't have to tough it out or deal with it. And you don't have to scrap it all and start again.?????????
And if you need help figuring out which changes to make that will make the most difference, hit me up. This is my specialty. I will help you get back to thriving in a way that feels right to you. Just message me.