What we should know about "good vibes"?
Anja ?ibert
GRAND RISING??Disrupting Traditional HR/Recruitment??Helping You To Overcome the Fear of (Un)Known??Work From Soul??HeartMath??Human Design??No-BS Intuitive Career Mentor, Energy Activator???AI Ally
When I launched my first newsletter in August and Linkedin asked me how often I want to publish it I have chosen "biweekly".
To tell you the truth, I had to google what that exactly means, because I have never used that term before, and yeah it means that you will be reading Hearthunters Guide To HR every two weeks - more or less.??
Next week I'm flying to Belgrade (Serbia) to attend Disrupt Mindset event as a speaker (check it out), so all my focus will be there.
Since today is Friday and the weekend ahead (and I'm very excited to empower you all), I have "broken the rule" and posted this newsletter a few days ahead.??
Yeah! It's time for a new "high dose" of heart energy, knowledgeable insights, and fun!
You see, I have decided one thing…I'm going to have fun with everything I do - personally and professionally.
We've been taught life is a struggle, that we have to fight to survive and play by the rules of others without compromise, and that we have to suffer and work hard to achieve what we want.
We have been taught that our inner voice is just a product of the imagination of our "messed-up" minds. That we can have fun and relax only when we have time to do that, when we can afford or only when there are no consequences for others.
With all due respect…F**** (Frick??) that! I've struggled enough...you have too! So let's just try to have fun...while expanding our minds together!
This is the message I have personally received a few days ago and I'm passing it on to you all: Keep standing your ground, truth, stand in your own beliefs, you don't need to explain yourself, you can speak up for yourself, letting know people, how you feel, what you choose and not feel guilty about it, how they would perceive it, it's up to them…
My heart is open and my intentions are pure. I'm smart and I have a lot to give to the world. That's all it counts in my universe.
I'll be using some "fancy science wording" throughout this "serious learning" journey but most of the knowledge I will be passing on will be mostly as "informal" language, sprinkled with fun vibes.
Because that is who I am. Also on Linkedin.
OK now that I've shared that… I'd like to kindly invite you to take a few moments and do some Heart Focused Breathing together with me.
This is something I have learned at HeartMath and let me tell you…if you give it a chance it can make wonders. It helps you to feel more present, and less distracted, it can also help you to balance emotions and quiet "mind chatter" (some people call it "monkey?? mind" - btw I really like the monk in the video below explaining what the monkey mind is??)
Heart-Focused Breathing (you can do this EVERYWHERE and ANYTIME, with your ??eyes open or closed)
Why focus on the heart area? Refocusing your attention on the heart area can help break the cycle of looping thoughts, which only perpetuates stressful feelings.
Another reason for focusing on the area of the heart is that scientists know that whatever we place our focus on the body, with practice, we can facilitate a measurable physiological change to occur, which is the basis of biofeedback. Whoa, this sounds complicated, doesn't it? But it's really pretty simple!
Focus your attention in the area of the heart.
Imagine your breath is flowing in and out of your heart of chest area, breathing a little slower and deeper than usual.
Find an easy rhythm that's comfortable.
Let's keep breathing like this for about 30 seconds…
Perfect! Are we ready to go? Thumbs up?? if you are ready…(just do it, I will know??). Ok, let's dive in….
When you hear someone has "good vibes" what does that mean to you? You can find hundreds of different definitions on that on the internet.
Well, scientists at HeartMath Institute define personal vibration as the quality of the thoughts, feelings, attitudes, and behaviors we experience throughout the day.
And no, our vibration is not determined by what is happening around us (it can be affected by it though). What we typically experience as stress is our emotional response to the situation, person, or issue.
Emotions such as impatience, anger, and frustration set into motion a cascade of over 1400 biochemical and hormonal changes that accelerate the aging process, impair memory and mental function, diminish performance and deplete resilience.
On the other hand, emotions such as patience, calm, and gratitude, set into motion a different cascade of over 1400 biochemical and hormonal changes that lead to increased longevity and vitality, improved memory, enhanced performance and creativity, and increased resilience.
In the research lab, it's very easy to show how emotions are primary drivers of our physiology, more so than thoughts. When people are given tasks where they have to think about different things or engage in mental exercises, the measurable changes in brain activity and the nervous system, for example, are small changes.
But when people have emotional responses and experience feelings of anger, impatience, appreciation, or feeling connected to someone, measurable physiological changes happen very fast and are much larger than the changes that happen with cognitive tasks. (McCraty, Atkison, et al. 2009)
Does that make sense? Do you know what I mean???
The good news is, that we can learn how to shift our inner rhythms and vibration in response to our external environment. And the even better news is that I will be providing valuable content on how to do that.??
Some people assume the terms "frequency" and "vibration" are only metaphoric expressions.
Others intuitively understand that the wide range of thoughts, feelings, emotions, intuitions, and intentions we experience every day are actual energetic waves of magnetic energy that are measured as frequencies.
We all know that our feelings, thoughts, and attitudes cannot be examined with scientific instruments or directly seen or touched.
But as we have already mentioned, they are reflected in frequencies of various biological rhythms (brainwaves, heart rhythm, etc…), and yes, THAT can be directly measured.
We will be talking about this a lot in future articles but for now, let me share with you a few (scientifically proven) interesting (maybe even mindblowing) facts about our hearts:
?There is more…
In case you were wondering...nop, this magnetic field is not your "aura". That's different. This is a measurable field that is the same type of field used by cell phones.
Cell phones use magnetic fields to transmit information (for example text and voice messages and photos). And our hearts use magnetic fields to communicate/transmit our emotions. So in a way, we are all "walking electronic devices".??
IMPORTANT: HeartMath scientists have shown that the electromagnetic field and the information it is carrying, can affect those around us whether we are conscious of it or not - just as the emotional information in other electromagnetic fields can affect us.
Talking about the future of recruitment and networking? There you have it!??
So if you have been following my posts on Linkedin you have probably noticed that I'm very much engaged and determined to "raise" collective vibration. What does that even mean, you might be asking?
Ok, let's see what it means to be in a higher vibration. Raising our vibration can create more personal coherence and team alignment. I guess we don't need to talk too much about lower vibration - we all very well know what that is (negative emotions such as fear, frustration, anger, etc) and what it does to us.
When we operate in a higher vibration, we align with our heart?? values and experience higher quality emotions (heart energy).
We are more caring and kinder to others and are less self-absorbed. We are more self-secure and respond to challenging situations with flexibility and greater maturity, affording better outcomes and less stress accumulation.
When in a higher vibration, we can:
Being in higher vibration does not necessarily mean being "bubbly" overly enthusiastic, annoyingly positive all the time, or the "life of the party". We can be tired or not feeling well for example yet maintain higher vibrational and coherent (balanced) attitudes.
People naturally tend to experience more patience, genuine contentment, and confidence and have a more positive outlook when they are in a higher vibration.
We are also less likely to get caught up in the drama and perpetuate the stress loops.
Do you know what can also effectively raise your vibration? To sincerely appreciate someone or something!
Now you know what I mean by "heart energy". Does any of this resonate with you?
There are numerous other positive effects on our physical and mental state, but let me take you a step beyond that - beyond that measurable magnetic field and beyond HeartMath's scientific explanation of "personal vibration".
I have found an awesome TEDx (Brighton, UK) video that clearly explains some extra benefits of being in a "higher vibrational state" (in terms of quantum physics) with the help of music/sound. Btw I have learned a new fancy word...serendipity.??
Fun #intermezzo facts: I lived in Brighton in 2009 and I can't imagine my life without music (I prefer a louder and faster one though - with more electric guitars.????)
Ok, that's it for today. I hope you have (again) learned something new about yourself and the people around you. If you haven't resonated with what I wrote, don't worry about it.
That only means your truth is different. I still love you anyway!??
Until next time…in heart?? space, where else!??
Keep on shining!????
I'm Anja ?ibert, HR Tribe Leader @ trailblazing AI startup AxonJay and HeartMath?Activating The Heart Of Teams? Certified Trainer. But you can also call me Multi-dimensional Hearthunter - because I'm always on the lookout for heart energies.??
Digital & Communication Officer at ESICM | Brussels
2 年The #goodvibes you always give off Anja ?ibert! ??
brand strategist ★ Founder & CEO @brandwithattitude
2 年good vibez only, yo! ?? #cowabunga