What are we missing that's obvious?
I went to see the play?“Cambodian Rock Band”, which is the story of a fictional band in Phnom Penh in 1975 that ends up on the wrong side of the Khmer Rouge.
I knew some of the histories of this period, having seen (and was really impacted by) the movie “The Killing Fields”?when I was 11 as well as my fascination with the Vietnam War.
The play was powerful and it shows, sadly, and once again, the cruelty that humans are capable of inflicting on each other.
It also raises the question that?I raised the other day vis a vis Nazi Germany…why did some people get out and some didn’t?
Or, perhaps more concretely, why did some people realize they had to leave immediately and others just didn’t believe it would happen?
The question that haunts me today is:
what will be obvious in hindsight that we are all missing today?
Hopefully, nothing like Nazi Germany or the Khmer Rouge, but people in those eras didn’t think it was possible either.
The play was really solid and a big shout out to?Shonali?for hooking me up with the tickets.
It was an incredible show