What if we (humans) were replaced by AI?
Rijul Singh Malik
Data Scientist | Data Engineer | Product Manager | Driven to develop innovative products using AI/ML, Deep Learning
When the machines start delivering pizzas.
In 2013, a computer beat the world’s best human player of the ancient board game Go. Go, with its more permutations of moves than there are atoms in the universe, has long been viewed by computer scientists as a Holy Grail because of its complexity, and the feat was hailed as a major breakthrough in artificial intelligence. So what? Unless you are a computer scientist or a Go enthusiast, the answer is probably: not much
In the movie “ The Matrix “, the human race is enslaved by sentient machines and humanity is lost. While it’s highly unlikely that sentient machines will take over the world, the machines are indeed going to get smarter. They’ll do more and more of the work we once did, and that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Norbert Wiener, the father of cybernetics and a pioneer of artificial intelligence, predicted that machines would make us obsolete as labor, and that we’d have to find more creative ways to use our intelligence. In his book, “ The Human Use of Human Beings “, written in 1950, he said it might be a good thing for humans to “enter into a partnership with the machines, to create a new organization of labor in which humans will be above machines in positions of management and leadership.”
When AI will have the same (or higher) IQ as humans.
The role of artificial intelligence in our society is steadily evolving. From the very first AI systems developed to the ones we use today, in the last 70 years, there has been a substantial rise in the quality and complexity of artificial intelligence applications. Our society is at a point when the machine is starting to become smarter than humans. But, how do we know when AI will have a higher IQ than humans? Simple: the Turing test. Developed by Alan Turing, a British mathematician, in 1950, the Turing test is a test designed to determine whether or not a machine can exhibit intelligent behavior equivalent to, or indistinguishable from, that of a human.
Over the past few years, technology has advanced at an unbelievable rate. Self-driving cars, machine learning algorithms and even AI assistants like Siri, Alexa and Google Home have been introduced to the world. The thing is, even though these products are pretty impressive, they’re not being used on large scales. The reason for that is because of the technology itself. It’s not perfect and the slightest bug or error can cause a huge problem. But that’s not the worst part about it. It’s the fact that these products are created by humans and have human-like flaws. The technology may be getting better, but it’s not perfect. Imagine if we had to rely on technology that’s created by humans to make our lives easier.
When do humans begin a significant reduction in food supply?
What if humans were replaced by artificial intelligence (AI)? Sounds like a far-fetched sci-fi movie plot, but it’s not. And it’s not just those without common sense or those that are afraid of technology that are worried about this; some of the world’s brightest minds are too. Elon Musk, the billionaire entrepreneur and founder of Tesla and SpaceX said, “With artificial intelligence we are summoning the demon.” He is terrified that AI will take over and make humans its pets. Bill Gates was recently asked by MIT whether he can foresee a future in which artificial intelligence becomes so smart it can improve itself without human intervention and he answered, “I don’t have the answers to this. But I know that it’s important that the people who are developing AI are thinking through these issues carefully.” The thing is, it already has started.
After the industrial revolution and from there, the invention of machines. People began to depend on machines to do their work, creating a new era of automation. The automation of machines led to the loss of jobs, and the creation of new ones. But now we are moving into a new era of automation, which will once again lead to the loss of jobs and the creation of new ones. This new era of automation is called artificial intelligence, or AI. The idea of AI is that a machine will be able to do the same tasks as a human, or even a better job. Many people are worried that this new era of automation will lead to a loss of jobs again. However, most experts believe that AI will create new jobs, instead of destroying them.
Most people are quite unaware of the fact that there will come a time when the food supply will be insufficient to feed all the people in the world. Another issue is that many people are not ready for such a thing to happen. The food supply will begin to deteriorate when the total population of the world has reached a point that is much greater than the resources that we have on this planet. When will this happen? It all depends on the rate of population growth. According to demographers, the global population is growing at a rate that is much faster than the growth of our food supply, and the food supply will not be able to keep up with the growth of population. The society of the future will have to work together to solve the issues caused by the shortage of food, but what will happen if we do not have enough people to do the work? What if all of our work is done by machines? What if there are no more jobs for people to do? What if people are not needed in the society anymore?
When do humans start going extinct?
The advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) is happening much faster than most people think. Many people are afraid that robots are going to take over and eliminate the human race. But the truth is, while we (humans) still have a lot of control, it is inevitable that we will be replaced. If we look back into history, this isn’t the first time humans have been replaced by technology. In fact, it’s happened many times before. So for the future of the human race, it’s not if, but rather when.
In general, we consider ourselves to be the most advanced species on Earth. In the last few thousand years, we’ve learned how to build, fly and explore. We’ve developed a complex language, made many surprising discoveries, created art, and mastered the art of war. And now, we’re capable of creating artificial intelligence that is better than us at speaking, writing, and creating art. But, should we really be so proud of ourselves?
With AI, it is inevitable that we will be replaced.