What we got wrong about the Information Product business
Steve Hunter
AS400 professional with over 30 years experience in development, analysis & support. JD Edwards, JBA. MS Office Apps. Problem Solver. I also design Apps.
In my younger years, I would schlep down to the Public Library on a quest to read every business, sales, and personal development book they had to offer. To my surprise, they also had a ton of books on tape.
Literal cassette tape.
For nearly one straight year, I read and listened to program after program, but I was still as poor as the day was long. What’s worse is…
I Got Made Fun Of!
By my family and even by my friends.
It was considered weird to use self-help products 25 years back. Now it’s the new normal. Everywhere you look, from Kindle to YouTube to Audible to podcasts, people are gobbling up self-help at a staggering rate.
More money than ever is being spent on the stuff, yet people are suffering just the same as ever. Maybe even more so.
What gives?
Is it that people are lazy, or too scared, or have some other character flaw that keeps them from implementing - or even consuming - most of the information products they purchase?
No. Not for this.
The problem is the system itself is broken. The way information is published is - for the most part - boring, dry and mundane. It isn’t interactive and fun like, say, a video game, and it doesn’t have that same draw as Facebook or TikTok.
Sometimes learning is torture, even if it’s something you want to learn. And learning without transformation doesn’t help you improve your life.
The worst thing is, it’s almost right
Just a couple of simple adjustments can change everything. If you can make these adjustments, I promise, whatever you end up buying will instantly become far more valuable.
Even better, whatever you want to sell...if you apply these techniques… you’ll beat the pants off these old crusty, info product types.
Oh, and this stuff is easier to do, too, because it’s more natural.
For free, this training going to reveal how we’re going to take a near billion dollar a day industry, flip it on its head, and have all the money rain down from its pockets into your open arms.
You will be shown four simple shifts that can supercharge sales for anything you offer.
Imagine if your whole life, you had been wearing your shoes on the wrong feet. And then someone pointed it out to you, and you finally - for the first time ever - put the right foot in the right shoe.
Want to find out about it?
Drop me a note & I'll explain.
#Learn #Earn #Grow #Succeed