What are we doing here?
Where are you spending most of your conscious day today? If you are reading this, then the likelihood is that you are in your workplace (whatever that might look like - office, spare room, sofa, coffee shop).
So basing my question on the workplace, this opens up more questions that we can ask ourselves before we get the answers. Why do we choose to work where we work? Why do we choose to work in the industry that we work within? Are we specialised and if so why do we choose to work within the specialism that we do?
The commonality is choice. Ultimately we have a choice...in certain circumstances choices may be limited, but they always are there. I don't think that I'm telling you anything you don't know or haven't heard about, but personally, I have always welcomed a reminder that I have the power to decide when it comes to how and where I work.
Why do we choose to work where we work?
In my opinion (I base this on why I choose to work where I work), it's about being challenged, recognised and rewarded.
Being Challenged
If work is repetitive, then it can be boring. If it's boring then I'm going to want to look to be somewhere interesting and it will just be a stepping stone to get where I want to get.
I like to solve problems, I love to plan. When I studied chemistry in school, I enjoyed writing up experiments, from hypothesis to conclusions and I loved carrying out the steps and getting the results...I have forgotten how I did it now, but I do recall really enjoying making aspirin as part of an A-level project.
This desire for a challenge has remained with me throughout life and it will perhaps come as no surprise that this is something that is considered to be the most important factor when choosing a job.
Recognition and Reward
Being valued and having the metaphorical pat on the back, high five, 'well done mate!' makes a difference. How this manifests can vary and it's important that you are recognised in the way you want to be recognised... employers need to wise up to this; in fairness, many have.
This can be an announcement, a certificate, a public gesture or something as simple as a thank you email or handshake. Being rewarded in the way you want to be recognised is an indication that you are important and valued by your employer.
Thankfully the last few years have witnessed an increase in the number of organisations employing people within HR whose role is specifically to work within the reward and recognition area of the organisation. This has been hugely important in the retention of valuable members of staff who would be moving on elsewhere in order to find their happy workplace.
So going back to the answer to the question - why are we here?
It's down to you to decide the finer details, but given that you have the luxury of choice, I think it should be that you enjoy the challenge and receive the recognition that your success deserves.
If you don't feel challenged and are not being noticed then do something about it; the change starts with you....we can help you though, so get in touch.