What we do and why we do it...
We've been digging deep and honing down what we do.
Our "root" values are our
genuine drivers, manifesting in how we engage communities and co-design our practice...
What better way to illustrate this than a tree! As you can see, we're pretty wild about everything we do. Here's how the visual came together...
We've whittled our values down to 11 - they are:
Kindness: To each other and to nature. Simple.
Community: We're deeply embedded in our community and co-design our programmes with grass roots groups, teachers, parents, older people and indeed everyone with whom we work.
Play: We believe in the importance of play, not just for children but for grown-ups too. The natural environment is the ideal space to nurture self-directed play, void of pre-specified outcomes imposed by human-made places, toys and gadgets.
Hyperlocal: Connecting with the nature spaces within walking distance from our homes, schools and places of work. Adventure on our doorstep!
Innovation: We're always dreaming up new ways of doing things and we believe that just as there are numerous types of people, so there are numerous conduits to nature, including technology and the arts.
Everybody: Yes, everybody! Many organisations talk of 'hard to reach' communities. We have never found this to be a challenge - we dive straight into the heart of diverse communities and make our activities engaging and accessible to all.
Creativity: The creative arts are more incredible outside than inside, so we involve artists, musicians, dancers, poets and actors in our projects.
Adaptability: We've always valued adaptability and Covid- 19 has certainly put us to the test. We've adapted by focusing on Wild Teaching (supporting teachers with training & resources to take learning outside) and designing self-led urban green space events and trails.
Collaboration: We LOVE collaborating and seek unlike-minded organisations! Honestly, forget seeking those who think and do the same as you, imagine the possibilities of collaborating across sectors to achieve multiple outcomes!
Equity: We focus our work in areas where health and education inequalities are severe. We believe in access to quality nature spaces, rich in biodiversity for all.
Ambition: We're small but we think big! We really think it's possible to re-think our connection with the natural world to create a better future, combining human wellbeing with nurturing communities who care about nature and play their part in looking after it.
Multi disciplinary skills in community engagement, conservation and regeneration with a broad range of practical skills that keep the more academic ones real.
4 年I love the clarity of vision!