What We DO We Turn INTO
I was able to attend a presentation by Dr. Kevin Elko recently, an author and motivational speaker, who spoke about taking ownership of our lives. Out of the many observations he made, one hit very close to home: “What we do we turn into.”
It reminds me of a Protection Plan top performer I once spoke to who was a sales associate, not a manager. I was impressed that he told every single guest in his store about his Protection Plan. (He did it when he wasn’t aware I was watching too!) I was impressed with the fact that he was so consistent, and I asked him about it. What motivated him to always tell every guest about the plan? His answer surprised me! He said,
"Well, it’s actually a little bit selfish. If I skip the Protection Plan with a customer because I’m in a rush or something, then I know I’ll probably forget to tell a customer when I should. Before you know it, I’ll miss telling a lot of customers about the plan. I don’t want to make that mistake. This way I’ll always remember."
What we do we turn into, indeed. By forcing himself to do it—always talk about his Protection Plan—he turned into it: a top performer. It’s not complicated, but it’s not easy either. It takes discipline to develop the habits necessary to be successful. What do you want to turn into? What do you need to do to get there? Start today “to do” those habits and you will…Make It Happen!