What are we capable of?

What are we capable of?


I was having a conversation with a family member who stated that if you are over fifty, you are done. Really? I started kickboxing at 51 and at first it was difficult. I could barely hit or kick the bag. Nealy 2 years later, I am stronger than I have ever been and have never felt happier.

Who says that being over fifty makes you any less relevant? I may be fifty-three, but I feel better than I ever have in my whole life. I have my team, my friends at the Kickhouse. My friends have my back as I have theirs.

We are strong, bold and we break barriers every day. We prove it every time we work out that we are taking it to the next level, so what makes you think that we are not relevant? Age is just a number and a state of mind. My physical and mental health are age 20.

What about you?

Is what we are capable of, based on what other people say about us or what we say about ourselves?

I will leave you with this thought.

The Most Important Conversation is the one that we have with ourselves.


