What we can learn from fungal networks
Taina Brown
?? Strategy whiz trained in somatics | ?? Former Feminist scholar 2013-2020 | ??? Less resolutions, more revolution | ??? Cohost: Messy Liberation podcast |???? My emails cook
When a tree in the forest is sick, First name / friend, other trees around it will send it nutrients from their reserves - often to their own detriment. They do this through an underground root system facilitated by mycelium.?
From the National Forest Foundation:
"Mycelium are incredibly tiny “threads” of the greater fungal organism that wrap around or bore into tree roots. Taken together, myecelium composes what’s called a “mycorrhizal network,” which connects individual plants together to transfer water, nitrogen, carbon and other minerals. German forester Peter Wohlleben dubbed this network the “woodwide web,” as it is through the mycelium that trees “communicate.”"?
This underground networking and transfer of resources has served as an inspiration for community organizers and activists for years. It's an essential part of adrienne maree brown's Emergent Strategy: Shaping Change, Changing Worlds. By utilizing biomimicry - using natural frameworks for our daily living - we can draw so much wisdom. Indigenous peoples knew - and know! - this, but it is knowledge that is often new to folks like me and you because of white supremacy that prioritizes “rational” thought and “objectivity.”
But we're saying “fuck you” to all of that and tapping back into our inner wisdom and indigenous ways of being and living in order to survive (and thrive!) the next four years and beyond. Panicking with every headline and “breaking news” alert gets us nowhere FAST. It keeps us in the imagination of those who wish to extinguish our hope, our joy, and our livelihoods. Kitchen Table Talk is a way for us to continue to exist within our own imaginations.?
I heard adrienne say recently that the future is still unwritten; and we get to participate in the way that it gets written by activating ourselves and our communities. On Thursday, you'll get an opportunity to do just that by figuring out what your very specific role is in writing the future. You'll do this on a macro - big - scale and micro - small - scale. What are the skills that you can offer your community right now? What are some skills you're willing to learn? What is the emotional and operational labor you're willing to take on in the coming days?
These are all questions we have to contend with and it's good to set aside some time to find the answers for yourself before something is thrust upon you by way of an emergency. The bonus in all of this is that you can take what you learn during the Kitchen Table Talk session and support your community by helping them rally themselves as well.
If this will be your first Kitchen Table Talk and the registration fee is a barrier, you can use the code “QBIPOC” for 50% off the fee. I really hope you can make it! The first one was incredibly helpful; for those who signed up and for me!?