What we believe is what matters

What we believe is what matters

In August every week, I will share a golden nugget with you and dive deeper into them as a mini-lesson. This week let’s explore the mind and why what we believe, is really what matters.

Have you ever noticed that just wanting something, is not enough to make it happen? That is because what we believe is what matters. Our beliefs directly impact everything in our lives. What we believe is connected to what we attract, the life we create, our perceptions, how we show up every day, and also the health of our minds and bodies.

When we believe in ourselves and what can be possible for us, our goals align with our inner beliefs. Because of this alignment, it is easier to make things happen. We focus on what we want, best-case scenarios we are more imaginative, creative, and innovative. The most incredible thing I discovered about this alignment is that it also creates harmony in the body.

How we think, feel and believe sends a signal to our brain that then decides (or perceives) if it will choose a survival program of the fight, flight, or freeze (the stress response). Or if it is safe enough to choose a growth and repair reaction instead.

When we are stressed, we are focused on what we don’t want, worst-case scenarios, fear builds up inside of us and we feel exhausted. This keeps us playing small in our lives, in a sabotage loop. When we are like this, we can think from a rigid mindset that leads to more unhappiness and poor health.

 There is a better way. We can train our brains to focus on what we do want, feeling positive, motivated, elevating our energy so we can notice more creative solutions around us. When we practice believing in ourselves and the positive when life brings change or adversity, we are well-rehearsed to manage the more difficult times when they come. We are able to see our setbacks as opportunities, to grow and we will get out of our comfort zone to become an improved version of ourselves that we know we can be.

EXERCISE - How you can identify what you are believing:

Take a moment now to ask yourself, what is your goal?

Have a little think and pick the most important one in your life right now. Write this goal down on the top left corner of your page in your notes below.

For example: ‘I want to attract love into my life’ could be your goal. Don’t overthink it just write down something that comes to mind from your heart.

Now I’d like you to write down next to that goal, on the top right of the page, the positive beliefs you have about yourself, your worth, your ability to achieve it, and what you believe can be possible for you. For example, if your goal is to receive more love this maybe, ‘I’m kind and loving, I have empathy, I have an open heart and I am ready to receive love in my life.’

Now further down the page, underneath the positive beliefs, I’d like you to write down any negative beliefs or fears you might have about your ability to achieve it or why it is not possible for you.

For example, that might be ‘relationships never last, I am not loveable or enough, I do not believe this will happen for me, I do not know how to create this for myself.’

 Which beliefs do your goals align with? The positive beliefs? Or are there more negative beliefs, that are in conflict with your goal? I call this the inner conflict.

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The inner conflict

We all have experienced an inner conflict when what we are believing is not aligning with what we want. It could be from a fear of starting a new business, receiving more love in your life, or moving on from a situation that is no longer right for you.

When you ignore your inner conflict, it brews up inside of you, it makes us tired as we spend a lot of energy battling the resistance. The resistance is helpful, the frustration can become the catalyst that propels us forward to answer our call to adventure, to become more. A hero’s journey is always a choice. We can either keep things the same as they are, safe. Or we can answer this inner call, our call to courage. To rise up and create something new and this ale requires allowing part of us to die too.

Have you ever felt that inner conflict within you, when you know what you need to do, you know what you should action, but there is a part of you that holds back? That remains frightened that things won’t work out, that you won’t handle the change. You make excuses and you legitimately believe them too. You forget what you are capable of and that you have all the resources required within. They can be accessed the second you choose to step and transform. When I have sat in my inner conflict, not willing to step up and do something about my inner conflict, I know it in the depth of my being. My body also communicates with me. It could be a sore neck, back, anxiety, or more dramatic symptoms that have debilitated me that I have experienced living with MS.

The question is, are you listening to your inner voice? We can’t escape it, but we try. We numb ourselves with being busy, alcohol, sedatives and we lose touch with our inner self. When was the last time you questioned your beliefs? It’s worth taking time on a regular basis to consciously reconcile your goals with your beliefs. It can be very powerful.

What we believe is what matters, it determines how we react, how we perceive our environment, how stressed we are, and also the health of our bodies. If we don’t check-in and question our beliefs, we can end up living our entire lives from a story that may not be true for us, simply because we have not reviewed old perceptions and let go of the past.

Remember you can use your reactions to show you what you are believing. Catch yourself in the moment when you are reacting and ask yourself… what am I believing right now? Also, ask, is this story I am telling myself even true for me anymore.

And then the most important one – can I change my mind about it. And that is how you can Bend Like Bamboo. Re-imagine what can be possible for you, rise to the challenge, accept the call to adventure and discover what you are made of. This is the space where miracles happen, where our superpower is revealed, where we let go of the world as we knew it, and step into a new reality that is a mirror image of what we can dream and believe in all over again.

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I see clients at my private practice in Melbourne, I video coach my interstate and international clients or you can do my online course. I also can be booked for virtual speaking engagements and wellness workshops.

Online coaching

Consultations with Amanda in person

If interstate or international :

Call us on 1300 188 882 or email [email protected] to find out how to book in for online coaching if you are outside of Melbourne / International.


Amanda presents her wellness workshops and keynotes virtually, live on zoom.

To book Amanda to speak at your event or workplace please contact:


[email protected]

1300 188 882

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amandacampbellspeaker

Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/amandacampbell_speaker/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmandaC_health

Linkedin: https://www.dhirubhai.net/in/amandacampbellau

Blog: https://www.amandacampbell.com.au/blog

Podcast: https://damianandamanda.com/


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