What We Affect...Effects Everything
Lori A. McNeil
Leadership Development | Workplace Culture Expert | Talent Management Consultant | I help companies develop and advance their talent and build high-performing teams.
The crowd lights have been dimmed. The stage is dark, except for a single spotlight highlighting a solitary microphone on a stand which has been strategically placed in front of you.
Your moment to shine has come. All eyes are on you. Every mouth silent. Ears opened. Some even have their notebook in hand (perhaps their smartphone fingers or stylus) ready and poised to what you are about to say.
For some, public speaking is their greatest fear. In fact, it has been said that public speaking is the number one fear. Why is that? Could it be because ‘all eyes are on you’ when speaking? Perhaps it is knowing that what you say will create discussion, disturbance, distance, or direction. Whatever the reason is, speaking creates an effect.
A Quick Definition
According to the dictionary, both effect and affect have at least three definitions, however the words themselves have two separate meanings.
To “effect” something is to cause something to happen or to bring about. Therefore, an effect creates a result or a ramification.
To “affect” something is to make a difference to or to move emotionally. Therefore, an affect creates an impact or an influence.
The Spotlight Is On
Back to you (or I) in the spotlight. Every time we speak, it is like we are on the stage and all eyes are upon us. Even when we are not literally on the stage, we must think and speak as if we were.
Indeed, each of us have been called to be affect others in life while being effective in delivering information. Regardless if it comes in the form of a highlighted speech, a live video on your favorite social media platform, a live interview on someone else’s platform, or whether you are speaking in front of any sized group or even a one-on-one conversation…
What we say effects anyone listening based on how affective we are.
If you are a parent or a leader of anything, you know this concept all too well. The challenge is to remember this while engaged in our daily lives.
Being effective is the easy part. Whenever we speak or act, we create an effect. Something or someone else will respond or react to whatever it is we are doing. We all hope that the effect is a positive one. No matter what though, actions come with an effect.
When others are aligned to what we say and do, the effect is a following, a like, a comment, a purchase, a new client. When others are not aligned, the effect can be an unfollowing, a negative (or sometimes hurtful) comment, a severed relationship, or a simple walking away and turning a deaf ear.
Becoming affective is how we create effect. The influence and impact we make is the affect we deliver. It is what we have control over. The greater our impact is and the deeper the influence we make becomes, the greater effect we will create.
Think Affectively… Act Effectively
A play off the phrase “think global, act local” this breaks down simply to the truth that no matter what we say or do, we are making an impact in the world and influencing others along the way. When we spend the time to be affective, we can rest that our effect will be positive.
What we do matters. What we say matters. The ripple effect is always present. Nothing said or done stays just with us.
When presented with the notion of being affective (impactful, influential) acting effectively (results, ramifications) creates well intended motion.
How we show up matters. Positive influence and impact drives results. Negative influences and impacts draw ramifications.
Stay affective… be effective.