What are the ways in which a thread can enter the waiting state?

Hello Everyone????

What are the ways in which a thread can enter the waiting state?

Thread is a lightweight process that runs concurrently with the other thread inside a single process. Each thread can execute a different task and share the resources within a single process. Thread in Java can enter the waiting state in many different ways:

Sleep() method Call: The sleep?() method is used to pause the execution of the thread for a specific amount of time. While the thread is paused it goes into the waiting state.

Wait() method:?This method is used to wait a thread until the other thread signals it to wake up. Thread goes into the waiting state until it receives a notification from another thread.

Join() method:?Join() method can be used to wait for thread to finish the execution. Calling thread goes into the waiting state until the target thread is completed.

Waiting for I/O operations:?If the thread is waiting for Input/Output operation to complete, it goes into the waiting state until the operation is finished.

Synchronization Issues:?If there are any synchronization issues in a multi-threaded application, threads may go into the waiting state until the synchronization issues are resolved.

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