What is ‘WannaCry’ Ransomware and How Can You Keep Your Organization Safe?
If you haven’t yet heard, there’s a new kind of ransomware and it’s wreaking havoc across the globe. It’s appropriately called ‘WannaCry,’ and it has thus far claimed some 350,000 victims in over 150 countries worldwide. As these numbers appear to be on the rise, IT professionals everywhere are taking notice, attempting to head the virus-spreading malware off at the pass before they become part of the statistic. Here’s what you need to know in order to keep your organization secure.
What is WannaCry?
WannaCry is a unique form of ransomware which uses a flaw in Microsoft software to deploy a malicious virus. Given the widespread popularity of Windows, it’s not surprising that once the vulnerability was exploited, it spread rapidly across many networks, affecting organizations in almost every industry. The fact that the vulnerability was so broadly available and the ability to spread quickly without human intervention created the ideal environment in which the “worm” could flourish.
Once deployed, the Wanna Decryptor program locks all of the data on a computer system and leaves the user with only two remaining files: the WannaCry program and instructions on what to do next. Infected users are given a few days to pay the proposed ransom or risk permanent deletion of their files. A Bitcoin address is provided to which the user is advised they must pay up in order to release their data from the malware.
How can organizations protect themselves?
While most organizations have virus protection in place that is supposed to protect against ransomware, the fact that this particular strain was able to bypass...