What Vision Have You Created For Yourself?
Joe DiBianca
Pursue inner excellence and stop self-sabotage and playing small by training the body-mind-spirit #TrainedNotTamed
You do not have to look far to see what vision you have created for yourself. Look at your actions and current financial situation to determine what vision you have been following. Understand that your subconscious mind can not separate fact from fiction. It can not separate an actual experience from a vividly imagined experience. Create a new vision right now. Approach your vision like you're writing a movie script. Begin by imagining your life exactly as you want it to be. Learn to get in touch your emotional side when creating your vision. Include taste, smell, colors, sounds, feelings, and thoughts in your vision. Create a vision board. Read your vision aloud in the morning and in the evening and imagine that you are already living your dreams. https://phiscallyfit.com