What is the value of an "Open House"??

What is the value of an "Open House"?

Many companies spend money and time setting up an event to showcase products or services and end up with a flop. By flop I mean there is more staff than customers and piles of food and prizes that never get into the hands of customers. I actually remember one we did at the last place I worked and I left that day with over 10lb of porchetta!

We are about to do our first open house at our new location in Barrie Ontario....Simcoe Region Equipment Centre on September 20th. Our goal is really to introduce our management and staff to the customers in the community and surrounding areas. We are offering lunch (of course), some contests, deals and prizes to entice customers to come join us.

The real value in attending an open house like this is relationships and networking. The construction and landscaping industry in Canada operates with limited time, some years its late but winter will come, the ground will freeze and the snow will fly! Our short season creates pressure to get jobs done quickly and therefore keeping your equipment running or getting that last minute rental dropped off is a crucial part of "getting it done". Attending our open house is an opportunity to meet our crew...get cell phone numbers, put a face to a name so in those crucial moments, you know who to call and they know who's on the other end of the phone! Even if we're not your primary source of equipment it's reassuring to have us in your back pocket when your 1st choice drops the ball.

Another bonus on the networking side is meeting other customers and some of our suppliers. The obvious one is spending time with others in a similar type of industry hearing how they do things...maybe finding your next "go-to" subcontractor...but don't discount meeting some of the factory reps as well. They will remember you and that may work in your favor. It may come in the form of a "special" discount or a warranty claim getting processed that probably isn't warranty, etc. I just want to make sure you don't just blow it off as" a couple of hours you don't have", it may be the moment you meet the person that changes the course of your business!

Hope to see you on September 20th! @uptimeking


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