What is the value of a “Most Important” list for our next steps?
Because it is getting harder to understand the ramifications of the global economic and health issues, we get confused by all the details coming at us in the media. What if it were truly easy to decide what is next for us; our families; our businesses; our lives? How about getting clear on what is most important to you and then keeping that list right by your side at every next step?
Keeping a list of what is most important to you implies you know what is most important. Confusion can get a very clear picture pretty murky in a short amount of time. May I suggest sitting at your keyboard; pad or using a pen and paper and develop your list? The only thing that goes on the list is what you like; want; enjoy; desire; dream about and would take action to achieve. You can learn a lot about yourself with this list.
I have my MITM (most important to me) list on my cork bulletin board which is directly behind my desk monitor. I cannot miss the list. I can easily add to it or remove something. It helps me stay focused on what I want and what is most important to me. Is it time for you to develop your own list?
May I help? [email protected]
P.S. I invite you to download our newly developed “I am OK” video/audio. You are welcome to donate or download for free. It will help you sort out the feelings and to just feel good and be able to say “I am OK”.