What value do Facebook Groups bring you?
After realising with horror that I'm a member of 150 Facebook Groups (what was I thinking!), I've been giving a lot of thought recently to the amount of time I spend in these places and where I get most value. I thought I'd share with you my three favourite groups and why I love being part of them - you may also want to join them/reflect on the groups you're a member of, and it might give you useful background re the groups you manage.
I love the Lucidity Network. Founded by Lucy Gower, who many of you will know, this is an awesome business network. Since joining, I've been able to access a Mastermind group which is a place for me to share challenges and find support for my work. The people in my group are awesome and I'm really excited about the potential this is going to bring me. There's a ton of useful resources, such as webinars and a business book club. Also there is support, encouragement, a safe space to share problems. And people share opportunities that they've spotted that they think other members could benefit from. It's worth joining just for that alone.
Then there is the Third Sector PR and Comms Group, founded by Kirsty Marrins. The benefits of being in this group include insight into really great charity comms campaigns, continued learning re comms, and reassurance that I'm not alone re the questions and concerns I have.
Finally, the No 1 freelance ladies buddy agency is where I hang out with other freelance female journalists. Again we help each other, offer support and source case studies or experts for articles/reports. This is a brilliant space for pitching ideas and sourcing content for my own features, as well as seeking help on issues such as late payment or difficult clients.
The common themes within them in all is that there is no bitchiness. You're free to disagree with other people but everyone knows the boundaries. They are also supportive, encouraging and people are willing to share advice without expecting anything back in return. There are continued learning and development opportunities - that alone is definitely worth investing time, money and energy in! But they're also quite fun and I feel welcome. I enjoy hanging out in them.
Of course, there are others that I hang out in regularly too, each with their own benefits. But what I definitely don't need is 150 of them! A clear-out is long over due!
Which are your favourite Facebook groups and why?