What are the valid docker alternatives?
MD. Shoriful Islam
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Containers, as we all know, bring a revolutionary change in modern application design. However, you will need docker to orchestrate it for its perfect operation. Nowadays, Docker is becoming a popular tool to orchestrate these containers. It also makes container deployment simple. That’s why developers didn’t think about any Docker alternatives.
Before Docker, developers were using virtualization machines on a single host. However, there were issues with it like resource waste, interference between shared resources, security issues, and so on. In this regard, Docker is a fantastic container orchestrating tool. It adds a better value than other technologies no doubt. But there are several other alternatives too. And some developers & companies are using these alternatives.
In this article, we will discuss what are these docker alternatives and why developers use them. So, let's get this discussion started!?
Why Do We Use Docker Alternatives??
Docker offers an open-source platform for the container's smooth development, checking, deployment, and management. But many administrations tend to use Docker alternatives for some cons of dockers. Some developers accuse Docker of slowing down containers rather than making them fast enough.
Although it uses resources more efficiently than a virtual machine, it will use as many system resources as the kernel scheduler on the host authorizes. As a result, it won't be able to help you speed up your app. Also, the CPU power is wasted.
Even if the difference is little, some people prefer not to take any chances. There are some other reasons to use docker alternatives,? such as
Docker Alternatives
Developers currently use these docker alternatives to meet the current needs. Nowadays, 7 docker alternatives are popular with the developers.
It’s a daemonless open-source virtualization engine to operate containers well. Its command-line interfaces are quite similar to Docker ones. So, Docker developers can easily migrate and use Podman. Its other features are?
Also, an additional feature is you can move the extra workload to Kubernetes more easily.?
Kubernetes is a popular container orchestration docker alternative developed by Google. It controls many containers and workloads in physical, virtual, or cloud environments. It works as an API to provide better service with containers. Also?
It shares hosts between hybrid, public, and private clouds. Its additional feature is you can use docker with Kubernetes.
According to users, It's a Linux-based program with the same capabilities and functions as docker. But it can do more than that.?
The interesting thing is it can host the virtual private server, in short, VPN technology in OpenVz containers.
Developers use it to construct, support, and maintain virtual and portable environments. Also
The main thing is, it replicates multiple conditioned virtual environments across multiple virtual areas and OS.
It had run as a part of docker before. But now, Containerd is a standalone tool. It serves as a link between the engine and the container runtime. Also
It's a decent docker alternative for providing a simple, reliable, and portable container runner. That is why it is becoming popular.
It is very popular for orchestrating container clusters. According to the opinions of developers and administrators, they use it to manage a large number of challenging clusters with unique configurations. It also can?
Its specialty is, it can turn and drive a complex environment much easier and can automate the whole process.??
7.Linux Containers(LXC)
As its name indicates, LXC is a Linux-based engine to manage containers. It is an older component but it's making a comeback with upgrading itself by making up for the shortcomings docker has. Like?
Its additional feature is that It acts as a hypervisor to separate system files, networking features, and apps.
There are other alternatives to take Docker's position in the globe. These 7 docker alternative is preferred by most developers around the world. But it doesn’t decide the usage areas of these alternatives. One thing can not be all perfect. These alternatives also have some cons too.
So, if you're considering how you'll determine which one to choose or try on, consider the following. If you're having issues with Docker and one of the alternatives meets your needs, you can definitely go for it. It will be a plus point if you are aware of the capabilities of docker alternatives.