What is the UX Design?

What is the UX Design?


any one if you asked him about what do you think about the role of ux designer , most probably the answers will be centered around that he/she is a person who is responsible to design the visual appearance of a website or mobile application ... which it's consider a Common misconception that most people thinks that's the job of UX designer but let me here to tell you what is the REAL meaning of UX design .

first of all , let 's spilt the word UX deign into two to define 'UX' and 'Design' each one individually.

what is the meaning of 'UX'?

UX stands for User experience and it's refer to the holistic journey of the users while they use the product in deep more , and define it's all about how our user feels while interacting with our product does he/she like it or dislike , do they will use it again or not .

and by meaning the of interacting with a product, is not limited only for website , mobile app , it isn't limited to be always a digital product it could be a whole system that the user should find interact it with easily and not facing any problems because it could lead to disasters as what happened for three mile island which it's consider the worst nuclear commercial power plant disaster on American soil took place in Pennsylvania in 1979 , and Don norman (the father of UX) has interpreted the cause for this catastrophic accident was the control panel designed in a bad way which it making from it hard to interact with it from the worker that it ended up with one of the biggest accidents that happened in US and it consider as an lesson for put UX under consideration and make the investment in fully understanding user needs as the first step in the design process. If you do, you’ll stand a better chance of creating a winner.

in previous paragraph we have introduced Don Norman where In 1993 Don Norman coined the term “user experience” for his group at Apple Computer . watch video below which Don define what is UX .

to summarize what we said briefly , the UX is the quality of experience a person has when interacting with a specific design .

what is meaning of 'Design'?

like any one who have the epistemic curiosity to know any new just google it 'what is Design?' and then you found?The result page was laden with words like art, drawing, plan, technology, looks, aesthetics, engineering etc. This made me rethink my quest’s direction.

Unfortunately , the word 'design' is confused with the art , which most of people believe that it's care only about the visual appearance if the thing whether it was an product or industrial design , but it isn't . Design is not art for 100 percent which the art is meant to provoke thought and emotions, but it doesn’t solve problems, it's about creating something that conveys or expresses emotions, ideas, or feelings of the author.

whereas , the Design is not art . it has to function , The design process aims to produce either a plan, prototype, product, or process. Users are always central to the design process. Designs strive to create solutions for people, systems, or physical items.?

Design means... beautiful solutions

defined by José Luis Antúnez

An obviousness made of just two words. Beautiful solutions.?Any other word decorates what has been stated before with implicit information, therefore: unnecessary.

But why Beautiful and solutions ?

Beauty understood as contemplative satisfaction and usability (not decoration). it is a concept based on aesthetics which is quite subjective and cultural.?There are a lot of types of beauty, depending on composition and emotions.


the aim of any design is to meet the user's needs which is supposedly exist to solve the user's problems when specific situations happen the user will need this design to help him in easing his/her life .When we refer to SITUATIONS, these are related to context and means: places, devices, clothes, paper, web.

Design for real people
We must design for people the way they are, not the way we wish them to be. Also see "Don't be logical."?Half the people in the world are below average

A quote by Don Norman that attracted me which its meaning that the mission of the designers is not just making an a good design or attractive illustration but it about designing a solutions to solve a real problems that the people face it in certain times in their lives so it will end them to use your design which if it isn't like that it won't be a successful or great design and not achieving the purpose of its existence .

the video below explain what is design in a briefly way

Let's now concatenate the two words 'UX' and 'Design' to be "UX Design " to Define it.

What is UX Design ?

It's the process of enhancing user satisfaction by improving the usability, accessibility and pleasure provided in the interaction between the user and the product.

okay let's explain it more in details to understand this definition to make it clear

ux designer's mission is solving problems by putting themselves in the customers shoes

here is an example what if we should design a chair one for us and the other for the customer who should buy it

* in the case we design a chair for ourselves we'll decide :

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from speakerdeck

  • What materials will be best?
  • the proper size ?
  • Ergonomics and shape?
  • Where will the chair go?

* in the case we design a chair for a customer we'll decide :

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  • Are they working or relaxing ?
  • how long they will use it ?
  • where they will use it?

So as we see User experience (UX) design is the process design teams use to create products that provide meaningful and relevant experiences to users. UX design involves the design of the entire process of acquiring and integrating the product, including aspects of branding, design, usability and function. "Definition by IXDF"

at the end , when design is more attractive and beautiful doesn't ensure a better UX

wanna to read more wait for a series of articles about UX design and more....


