What is Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE)
Avis Hospitals
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What to expect and treatment benefits
Fibroids are muscular tumors (mostly benign) that grow on the walls of the uterus. They are occasionally found during a regular pelvic exam and your doctors may require additional imaging tests to confirm the diagnosis.
Fibroids require adequate supply of blood and oxygen to grow and survive. A minimally invasive technique called Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE) cuts off the blood supply to the fibroids and shrinks them.
During the UFE procedure you will receive anesthesia that will help you relax, and you will be in a state of conscious sedation. An interventional radiologist injects very small sand like particles into the arteries that supply oxygen- rich blood to the fibroids. These particles stick to the arteries. A clot develops which blocks the blood supply to the region. When this happens the fibroids gradually shrink, and the related symptoms usually fade over time.
Post embolization, you may experience low-grade fatigue, fever, pain, vomiting, or nausea. In the recovery room your condition will be monitored. Most women return home with prescriptions for oral pain medications. Pain usually subsides in a day and you are encouraged to walk around.
Benefits of Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE)
?1. Uterine fibroid embolization offers great relief to women who experience major fibroid related symptoms like heavy menstrual bleeding, abdominal swelling, and pelvic pain.
2. It is a very effective alternative to surgery to remove fibroids.
3. Removes fibroids retaining your uterus.
4. The procedure is minimally invasive, hence less complicated than surgery.
5. The procedure does not require hospital stay as it is done as an outpatient procedure.
6. Recovery is generally quick and very rarely does complications arise.
Am I a candidate for Embolization?
Your doctor may recommend embolization procedure for many reasons. Few of them are:
1. You are anemic due to the uterine bleeding due to fibroids
2. Major abdominal swelling and pain in your belly
3. Abdominal bloating and constipation due to the pressure on the bowel
4. Bladder pressure often makes you feel the need to urinate more often
5. You experience pain during sexual intercourse
6. If you are still planning for a baby, this procedure may be recommended for fibroid removal as the uterus is maintained intact after the procedure.
Pregnancy and Fibroids
Studies have showed that nearly one–third of the fibroids grow and expand during the first three months of pregnancy. This is attributed to the estrogen surges that happen during this time.
Sudden growth of fibroids during pregnancy can cause tissues to outgrow its blood supply. A condition called fibroid degeneration can happen when fibroids become devoid of blood supply and the cells start to die.
Red degeneration is a condition that may cause abdominal pain and is common in second or early third trimester of pregnancy and mostly seen in women with big fibroids of size more than 5 cm. Fibroids outgrow its blood supply, they turn red and die. It can cause severe stomach pain, infection, and, in some cases, lead to miscarriage.
Hence it is very essential that fibroids are diagnosed and removed through timely intervention to eliminate further complications that may arise. To learn more about the treatment options suitable for your condition, call Avis Vascular Center and talk to our experts.?