Meltdown and US-IV
Eleven Nuclear Plants are setting Right on top of critical faults, while the remaining 93 are also Left in harm's way. A US repeat of 8.9 on the Richter in Japan; could destroy LA or New York, but what of the interior > US? We must always be concerned with 4 active zones of fault movement in the US.
The sky is falling, 'the sky is falling' exclaimed Chicken Licken. As he scurried around the Chicken yard, and ultimately the Farm. Bringing news of Biblical proportions, Something had hit him in the head, and the sky now 'must' have a hole in it. Ours does. Both Polar Caps have 'big O holes'. So, was Chicken Licken Right? Well, he sure is Right now.
Can you believe that some, including the newest entry for President, Rick Perry, ( Texas Gov. ) believe, that 'the figures are skewed, concerning Global Warming'. Somethin's causin' the ice to melt, or is it just disappearing? Rick Perry's idea seems to have a 'quack' in it. Well, I guess we know where his bread is buttered, and I'm sure smothered from both sides. Too much suckin' at the wellhead.
That's one big reason, we are looking into Nuclear Energy. Just gotta remember, Mother Nature is in control of US, and everyone around US.
A little Krack can sure cause big problems in Nuclear Piping, and General Electric is King of Piping in Nuclear Facilities. General Electric uses twice as much pipe in GE Boiling Water Reactors, then used in Pressure Water Reactors. What can that cause? Lots of problems, with all those valves, twice as many again, and what about sustainability in facility integrity? Well, you have multiplied your problem variables by the number of welds, times the number of connections, times the number of valves; for the benefit of only General Electric. So, one little crack can make a whole lot of havoc. GE here to destroy your life? Sorry, President Obama, cause. That's the fact, Jack!
New Madrid Fault surrounding St. Louis, had a quake on Dec. 16, 1811, estimated at 7.5 on the Richter scale, 2000 aftershocks, still felt in Boston 5 months later. Changed the course of the Mighty Mississippi. And that was when no one was around 'cept those confounded American Natives. You know, the ones that we tried to bury at Wounded Knee, and everywhere else. Another movement of 6.8 Richter was felt in 1895, and in 1968, a 5..5 was reported. (thanks Wikipedia) Too close in time, for comfort? Any Nuclear Facilities setting on, or near, the New Madrid Fault? Check 'em out for your self. Yes, 120 to150 miles of potential terror, and there won't be any crow flyin', they'll be dead too.
How 'bout the Ramapo Fault, a 70-mile stretch, running through New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. In fact, Right through Manhattan. (thanks ABC GMA).
About 12 years ago, a Freshman Congressman, wanted to hold hearings concerning Nuclear Safety Issues. Congressman Kucinich met with Peter Atherton, the Nuclear Regulatory Safety Inspector, 'whistleblower' who spoke of improper and unsafe conditions at Maine Yankee. Peter was fired, put into a Mental Facility by US Bureaucrats, and never compensated by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, to this day. Later, of course, Peter was proven 'more' than Right, and Maine Yankee was taken apart. Good ole' GE, who takes all you have in life. Nothing ever came of the 10 plus experts who were waiting to testify on issues such as self-sustainment in crisis, and improper engineering design, as well as material selection experts. And 'U' paid, and are still paying for GE's blunders, saved only, by Peter Atherton's honesty, integrity, and 'Real' worth. He's one of US.
Probabilities are if Hearings would have been held; there would not have been such tragedy in Japan, and possibly US.
Well, now the World has Japan, GE Boiling Water Reactors, and the US, could have US? Being a Freshman Congressman, old timer Politicals, the 'lifers' who have never had an honest job in their lives, would not permit Nuclear Safety Hearings, so today is today, and tomorrow may never come.
Well, you know, old Politicals will retire on your money, and all their self-centered and illegal moves to destroy US, are Left behind to do just that.
Where are Nuclear Power Facilities located? On large rivers and lakes, and even the oceans and gulf. And, what happens to the water used to cool down the reactor core? Nothing, if nuthin'' happens'. Butt, if there is a breach in the containment loop, keeping contaminated water separate from non-contaminated water; problems occur. Yeah, just plain ole' 'Hell on Earth'.
Water flows downstream, except for the St, Johns River, in Florida, here in the US. All water that moves on, is used and reused by each community that water encounters. Could anyone use contaminated water, except the contaminated person waiting to die? 'Top Secret' Studies produced for the 'eyes' of the few, have shown that underground areas of natural water drainage have been compromised by contaminated waste from various nuclear facility locations, over the US, including Right here. What can you do? Well, next to Nothing, you can elect honest Political Leaders; as they are sadly lacking in Office. Next time you're asked to the Party, usually by public paid postage, vote 'Not Again'. and send a message to 'seal the Quack'.
San Andreas Fault in California, is west of the Rockies, so a problem there is just another Quack, isn't it?
Problems with water are too imminent to ignore, cause they affect all living plants and animals downstream; and even humans, too. I added humans in there for the benefit of the environmentalist, who has lost sight of US.
As we have been told, all Nuclear Facilities are safe, but, telling, can be so telling. If all are soo, safe, why are disaster scenarios held on a constant basis? Probably to remind the folks in charge, that mother nature is really in charge. When all else fails, then, and only then, 'In God We 'Trust''.
Soldier; thank you for the gift of being 'ever' vigilant for our Safety.
Dave Hancock, for those with no voice.