What is UPSC? & How can students prepare for UPSC from the +1 Class?
How to study for IAS is among the most commonly posed queries. To select qualified candidates for the IAS, IFS, IPS, and more affiliated services, the UPSC administers the Civil Services Exam (CSE). Only a small number of test takers are chosen to proceed. Those candidates who choose UPSC have dreams to reform the system in our nation and lead the country ahead by abolishing inequality and corruption in society. Your dreams will determine the type of government servant you will be in the future. Other factors that drive people to this career include the good income and benefits that civil officers receive and the respect that they receive in society.?
?????????????????????????????????Success to UPSC Preparation
You might be curious to know how the difference came to be the strategy for getting ready for the UPSC! The majority of aspirants are interested in learning "How to prepare for UPSC," "How to pass the UPSC test on the first try," or "How to prepare for IAS." We have attempted to provide a very detailed response to your question in this article.
What is UPSC?
''What is UPSC Exam?'' is one of the most often asked queries among candidates for government job seekers. Every year, the Civil Services Examination (CSE) is held by the UPSC. It is frequently referred to as the IAS Exam because CSE also hires candidates for IAS.
To understand the UPSC, you must be acquainted with its examinations. Here is a list of examinations that the UPSC has offered:
?The UPSC CSE is the imperative test that the Union Public Service Commission administers to pick candidates for roles for civil services, which include IPS, IAS, and more allied services.
What are the different examination phases for the UPSC?
The UPSC Preliminary, UPSC Main, and also Interview or the personality test are the three phases of this test.
Stage 1
UPSC Prelims Exam: The Preliminary is the initial phase of the selection process, usually referred to as the screening round hence qualifying Prelims is the first step of the IAS Exam. The majority of Civil Service candidates think that because of the fierce competition, passing the screening round is difficult. The objective-type IAS Pre Exam consists of two required papers of CSAT and GS. The UPSC Preliminary exam score is not factored into the final merit. However, the grade in GS Paper-I is crucial in determining the UPSC Prelims Exam cutoff.
Stage 2
UPSC Mains Exam:? Only those who pass the Prelims are eligible for the written Main Exam. There are nine papers that make up the whole descriptive Main Exam syllabus. Two language papers (one in English and the other in regional), four G.S. papers (worth 250 points each), one essay paper (worth 250 scores), and two optional topic papers (worth 250 scores each) make up the exam. Even though language exams are simply qualifying, they must be passed to obtain the other answer sheets from the main exam.
Stage 3
Personality Exam: Only those who qualified the Mains are allowed to enter for the interview round. The interview would last approximately 30 minutes.
How can students prepare for UPSC along with board exams?
If you are curious to know about how we can prepare for UPSC without skipping our high school classes. We find a solution for your convenience, YSP School gives you a chance to prepare for competitive exams. Here are some special benefits of preparing for UPSC in YSP School given below.
UPSC Batch: Students in grades 11 and 12 are taught using a special manner to comprehend a variety of subjects that are aimed at the UPSC exams. These courses assist the students to widen their academic horizons while also preparing them for important competitive exams. YSP respects applicants' zeal, desire, and excitement. In grades +1 and +2, our teachers mentor students as per their chosen courses while also assisting with UPSC preparation.?
Early Targeted Strategies: YSP School gives a fresh start to those who want to crack UPSC Exam. This school allows +1 and +2 students to prepare for exams without lagging behind board studies. It provides career guidance about which subject should be opted from +1 to pass the exam.
?YSP School strategies focus on regular study of both board exams and competitive exams.Our school devotes classes for UPSC preparation along with board studies on a regular basis.The teaching approach that is centred not only on board examinations but also on preparing for board examinations shapes the way to the destination.?
YSP offers a special task to students on editorial writing, research and MUN conferences. These tasks help students enhance their skills on research and writing and convert them into successful administrators. Additionally, by giving the detailed knowledge about prelims and the Main exam at an early stage of preparation, our scholars are being prepared for the long run.
First-hand Experience: YSP invited candidates who pass the UPSC CSE to have their first experience of living as an IAS officer. These IAS officers share their stories and experiences from training and service, as well as their roles, responsibilities, and career paths. Furthermore, YSP provides a separate session for candidates who have recently passed their preliminary exams. These individuals give information about their obstacles and scenarios encountered during exam preparation. . YSP students learn from others' experiences and keep motivated on their exam preparation journey.
Test Practices: YSP School conducts a specialised test series every month for the students which are prepared by highly experienced teachers. YS prepares their test series through Maluka IAS institutes. These test practices help learners know their weaknesses. After analysing the test series results of every student, our teachers provide one-on-one counselling to make them understand their mistakes. Our highly skilled faculty prepare them for a better future. YSP provides a long-term strategy that assists many candidates to preserve valuable youth years because they will be more prepared and orientated when they step foot in UPSC waters.
Doubt Clearing Cell: As the students refer to it, is their favourite aspect of their studies at YSP. Our daily interaction with students helps them know more about their problems and they can understand that they can always talk to their teachers. Students can come and seek help from their teachers whenever they feel stuck on any topic. It caters to questions on all subjects, be it about assignments, tests, homework, or even exams.
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