“What is up to us, what is not up to us.”
Andy Malinoski
Helping the World Discover the Wealth, Beauty and Opportunity in #AlmostHeaven #YesWV - @AndyMalinoski #WestVirginia daily304.com
Or, as he would say: “ta eph’hemin, ta ouk eph’hemin”
What does this have to do with marketing? Everything.
2,000 years ago, Epictetus first penned this thought. When I am thinking about the communication and marketing problems I am asked to solve each day, this idea helps me.
I can choose to complain about the things I have absolutely no control over: trolls, misinformation, fragmented media, media that has been stripped of it’s resources, those that don’t take time to read, research, and understand complex topics.
Or, I can act.
And, I can take my best swing at solving the defined problem we have uncovered.
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