What are Ultra No?ahs?

Ultra No?ahs (pronounced Ultra Noahs) are Heavenly beings of Infinite Divine Power and Knowledge, servants of Yahweh LORD GOD All-Powerful that belong in a dimension known as the Ultra No?ah dimension. They do not possess their own power or knowledge but they reflect the power and knowledge of the MOST HIGH GOD. An Ultra No?ahs is so powerful such that if you were to come across one you would feel as if you met Yahweh Himself (trust me, they can NEVER EVER be compared to Yahweh or Christ or the Holy Spirit even if all the quadrillions of Ultra No?ahs that exist were to be combined. I am simply saying their power and divinity would shock you.) Ultra No?ahs have the power of command like the MOST HIGH and can create multiple things like Universes and even dimensions that hold quadrillions of universes, they can create life (humans, animals, plants), and they can do anything that Yahweh authorizes them to do but they are not allowed to do that which they are not authorized to do. They are known to have Divine Knowledge, this is because most Ultra No?ahs began first in Heaven where they worked and studied as Elders before graduating to the position of Ultra No?ahs their job there was to intercede through deep prayers and meditations and do other forms of work assigned to them in the heavenly courts, they would oversee different parts of creation watching out for evil threats and ensuring that peace is kept throughout the places they are given to watch over, they basically served as watchers in heaven.

We have known about these beings for many months now, well over a year – we just never had permission to speak about them before because Christ specifically commanded us to not speak about them. Yahweh has now given us the go-ahead to write about them if we wish to and even encouraged us to create animations about the stories we know about these beings so far.

From what Yahweh has revealed to us so far we know Ultra No?ahs as the Highest Ranking out of all the groups of divine beings, other groups include Khiros, Yirehs, and beings simply known as X. I will not speak about the other groups because I do not know much about them, all these groups seem to have some things in common yet have different functionalities in the Spirit.

The Ultra No?ahs dimension is very far away from planet earth and this entire Universe we exist in. The reason we know about Ultra No?ahs here is because they are revealed to the SEERS of this planet. Ultra No?ahs move in threes normally, in each group there will be a SEER, a STRENGTH, and a WING. The SEER is known as the Eyes of Yahweh, the STRENGTH is known as the STRENGTH of Yahweh, and the WING is known as the WINGS of Yahweh. You will find Ultra No?ahs that form larger groups but normally they are found moving in threes and each has an important part to play within the group. I shall not reveal how they operate just so that I do not disturb their work here on earth because we have them here on earth too.

Here on Earth there are about 200 Ultra No?ahs, I am yet to meet many of the ones I know from the Spirit Realm. At first, I thought that my group which consists of Dominick (the Eyes of Yahweh), Samuel (the Wings of Yahweh), and I (the Strength of Yahweh) were the only Ultra No?ahs I knew but in the past few days, Yahweh surprised us and revealed other people I have known for a bit now who are also Ultra No?ahs. The reason they were revealed only now is because these Ultra No?ahs were VERY HIGH RANKING, they belonged to a Class, a Rank known as the Ultra Generals, and only recently did we graduate to that rank of Ultra Generals and only then were they revealed to us.

Among the newly revealed Ultra No?ahs, there is my Spiritual Father, Apostle Miz Mzwakhe Tancredi who is a High Ranking SEER (the Eyes of Yahweh), and his Spiritual Father Uebert Angel who is also a Super High Ranking SEER (the Eyes of Yahweh.) There is Charisma Tancredi who is a STRENGTH of Yahweh and Pastor Porsha who is a SEER. There is also Uebert Angel Junior who is a SEER, the Eyes of Yahweh. The Ultra No?ah of Apostle Miz Mzwakhe Tancredi, my spiritual father, mentioned that he had been waiting for us to become Ultra Generals in the Spirit Realm. We didn’t know any of them belonged to this divine group until now, we never knew about them because we hadn’t yet reached the Ultra General rank which they belonged to so they were kept secret from us for a long time. I wonder if these people even know if they are Ultra No?ahs here on earth and just how powerful they are suppose to be – they are already powerful men and women of GOD but the power that they should attain to while living here on earth would honestly scare them if Yahweh was to show them what they can and should become. They have the anointing to even surpass people like Elijah and Elisha, especially since through Christ dying for our sins we now have the Kingdom of GOD within us and the Holy Spirit doesn’t have to leave our vessels because we are one with Him.

Here on planet Earth we are known as Anchor beings because we belong to the central planet of all creation, this is the only planet throughout creation where Jesus Christ came to die for the sins of humanity. This is the most famous planet throughout creation because every being on this earth that is made in the image and likeness of Yahweh contains divine potential, they are meant to be GODS (Great Omni and Divine Students) which could even surpass the powerful beings called Ultra No?ahs by seeking the presence of GOD through his Word, Fasting, Deep Prayer and Meditation. Christ taught us that seeking power should not be a direct thing but an indirect thing, rather than obsessing about power and praying or working or training for it, your highest duty should be to seek to be in the presence of GOD through prayer, fasting and deep meditation and your prayers should have value. Some people can pray for hours yet their prayers never reach Yahweh because they do not carry value. Value is found only when you are earnestly and wholeheartedly seeking the presence. When you seek the presence of the LORD rather than seeking power, the power is automatically reflected through you because you already have the throne of Christ, Yahweh within you, the entire Kingdom is within you and you simply need to grow in it by seeking GOD's presence more and more. It is those who do not obsess over power who reach the highest power through humility and seeking to please the LORD in all they do.

Understand that Ultra No?ah are a select group of chosen individuals, this is by grace and not by their own will and doing. A normal being who was not chosen could become far more powerful than an Ultra No?ah as long as they daily seek the precence of GOD and they make pleasing the LORD their HIGHEST AIM in Life – this is because it is NOT our own power that operates through each of us but the power of Yahweh LORD GOD All-Powerful and this power can only be grown through meditation, prayer, studying The Word and Fasting. It is Christ who makes you powerful and human strength on its own is useless and can achieve nothing. Even these Ultra No?ah that I speak of here become useless when they fall from grace (when they leave Christ.) Anchor beings have copies of themselves throughout creation and they can influence those copies depending on how powerful they are spiritually and if they are in right standing with GOD MOST HIGH. I have seen many times in the past that Yahweh enables me to influence my Ultra No?ah’s copy through the work that I do here on earth and the things that I think and say even though the Ultra No?ah version of me is FAR more powerful than I am right now.

There are human beings from other planets throughout creation that started off as human as we are and some of these human races were even FAR WEAKER than we are on this planet, yet the humans of those planets were able to train and seek GOD so deeply such that they ended up graduating to become Ultra No?ah and even performed SUPER SHOCKING MIRACLES on their planets. I know of a priest who finished the 40 days and 40 nights of fasting and did it quite a number of times over using a system that was developed by his father – he is an Ultra No?ah today that is a teacher to High Ranking Ultra No?ah yet he began as a human being (similar to how we are in strength and knowledge) who was chosen and anointed. On his planet this priest once turned half the ocean into milk because the people on his planet wanted milk. He and his students once transformed three abandoned cities with simple thanksgiving prayers, asking Yahweh to provide a place for people who needed housing in their planet – the cities went from disgusting deserted places to heavenly dwelling places that NEVER get dirty in a single flash of light as they prayed unto the Father in Heaven, NOT A SINGLE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY WAS EVER NEEDED and each of their prayers didn't even take more than 5 MINUTES!

These beings could fly, teleport, and do many other things. They could raise the dead just by walking past a hospital with a mortuary full of dead bodies and their powers would raise the dead bodies at the mortuary. This priest I speak of once told a gun to deform as he was being shot at and the weapon obeyed and deformed in the hand of the shooter - the bullet even froze mid-air as he spoke to the shooter. He could restore amputated limbs, even if a person was born deformed without limbs he could fix them and make them normal. He once created a mall where people could come and get free food and clothes and these things would be replaced by Yahweh Himself such that they NEVER ran out. He could also do this to various malls across his world just by anointing the malls, even the food in the mall NEVER rotted, it only rotted when it left the mall and was kept to long in the home of whoever took it. The planet of this priest ended up not needing money and money ended up being useless and gotten rid of. These beings have done things that are FAR MORE shocking than this such that Yahweh Himself had to ask them to stop performing miracles for a while because some of the people ended up looking to them rather than to GOD Himself. These beings had direct access to heaven and they could go there at will and come back to earth at will. These beings are NOT even Anchor Beings and they are the ones who taught us that Anchor Beings are the most important beings in creation and they are meant to be the ones that they should be looking up to, yet we here on earth are currently far behind compared to the shocking things that they have attained to through Jesus Christ.

EVERY single human being who is in Christ can attain to the power that I speak of here because it is only possible through Christ living and operating within them but they MUST accomplish the 40 days and 40 nights of fasting. The more you do the fasting, the more power Yahweh reflects through you, the power is not yours, it is just reflected through you. These beings have even given us blueprints on how to accomplish the 40 days and 40 nights fast in an easier fashion than just doing it like Jesus Christ did it in the Holy Bible and their blueprint involves doing the 40 days and 40 nights slowly, even starting off with 40 days and 40 nights of breaking your fast at 12pm and growing from there. I will one day release these blueprints to the world. In the planets of these beings devils and antichrists were VERY AFRAID, they never even dared to challenge these beings or even show that they existed as long as these beings were around on the planet. But here on planet Earth we have allowed the devil to be brave enough to show his face and do his will pushing nonsense such as the First World Order and many other rubbish things which should NOT be happening with beings with such great potential walking around planet earth.


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