What type of steam coil do I need or have?
There are two basic kinds of steam coils.
Standard Steam Coils: These are typicaly made up of 1 to 2 rows and resemble a hot water coil. However steam coils are manufactured with heavier tube wall and return bends due to the pressures and erosiveness of the the steam. These coils are designed for applications above 40°F.
Steam Distributing Coils: Steam distributing coils typically have one main header with one supply and one return connection on this header. The supply connection is actually attached to an internal supply header. This smaller supply header distributes steam down tubes that are inside the visible tubes in each row of the coil. The smaller tubes have notches that allow the steam to disperse evenly over the face of the coil. The outside visible tubes allow the condensate to drain back to the return connection. These coils are designed for applications below 40°F.
For any questions just reach out to us and we will be glad to help. [email protected] / 918-530-9353