What type of relationships do you orient towards?
Sahana Ravindranath
Executive Coach (ICF PCC, EMCC Senior Practitioner), Systemic Team Coach(EMCC Practitioner), Group Coach, Self Management and Organisational Development consultant
Relationships for Profits or gains - when we forge relationships primarily for the profit or gain that it brings. Much like the Ferengi of Star Trek, profits supersede everything else and the relationship may be replaced by another for higher profits.
Relationships for Convenience - when we forge relationships as it’s the easy or convenient option.These will limit self-growth and mutual growth as both parties will play safe to maintain status quo.
Relationships for Social standing - when we forge relationships to maintain a certain social standing much like teenagers focusing on social coolness factor to pick friends. These relationships will likely leave someone feeling like life is an eternal catch-up game and leave their focus scattered in many directions to aim for any real self growth and accomplishment.
Relationships for Co-creation and Co-evolution - when we forge relationships with focus on values and a larger purpose in mind. Aligned values enable co-creation and a larger purpose triggers co-evolution.
Whether it is a personal relationship or a professional relationship, it can only go till your fundamental values clash head on. Start with finding out what are your deepest held values about people, environment, existence. Get to know someone a little more before jumping into a relationship to truly understand what they value. We can work around personality traits. It will be much harder and counter productive to workaround value systems.
We don’t have to match 100% in all aspects. A click of two minds is not an amalgamation into one mind. It is an unconditional inclusion of the other in your life, continuous positive exchange, constant expansion, and ultimately, a flow of ideas beyond the boundaries of the two minds themselves.