What Type Of Post We as Business Can Push-On Social Media Channels - Suresh Chaudhary

What Type Of Post We as Business Can Push-On Social Media Channels - Suresh Chaudhary

What Type Of Post We as Business Can Push-On Social Media Channels - Suresh Chaudhary

Social Media is like a business network where you as a business go to network with people who can be your potential customers. Suresh Chaudhary - Digital Marketing Consultant

Before starting any new digital channel for your business you should always consider asking the following questions to yourself.

  1. Do I need to start this new channel?
  2. What all I can do on this new social channel to promote my products or services?
  3. What is the traffic of this new channel considering your Target group?

Asking these question will literally help you choose the right digital channel for your business.

And In order to get results, you must do the rights things.

If you’re new to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & Linkedin as a business then this post will help you a lot.

What type of post we can push on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram & Linkedin for your business.

A general guide created by Digital Marketing Consultant Suresh Chaudhary

Platform Type of Content No. of Posts per month What extra we can do as a business

1. Twitter for business

Twitter is a microblogging website that allows you to send and receive short posts called tweets. 

Tweets can be up to 280 characters long and can include links to relevant websites and resources. 

Twitter users follow other users. If you follow someone you can see their tweets in your Twitter timeline.

Learn what type of posts Twitter supports:

1) Create a textual Post up to 280 characters,

2) Create an image, gif, video post.

Suggest Tweets: 100 to 120 tweets should go per month

Tip for Twitter — Apart from the content, We can follow related accounts, engage with other related tweets to increase the followers base and engagement for the overall profile

Connect with Suresh if you want to learn more about Twitter Business.

Follow Suresh Chaudhary on Twitter.

2. Facebook for business

Facebook is a social networking site that makes it easy for you to connect and share with family and friends online. 

Originally designed for college students, Facebook was created in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg while he was enrolled at Harvard University.

Facebook pages and ads can be invaluable marketing tools If you use Facebook for your business.

Learn what type of posts Facebook supports:

1) Create a Post with a Single Image

2) Create a Post with Multiple Images

3) Create a Story

4) Create a Video Post

5) Creat Event

6) Create Offers

7) Create Jobs

Suggested Posts: 30 to 40 posts should go per month

Tip for Facebook: Apart from this, We can join our business-related groups on Facebook and engage with those groups to promote our products/services.

Get in touch if you want Suresh Chaudhary’s help to run ROI driven paid Facebook campaigns or looking for organic growth.

Like Suresh Chaudhary’s Business Page on Facebook.

3. Instagram for business

Instagram is a social media app that allows users to share photos and videos from their lives, add captions, edit filters, tweak settings, engage with others, explore and creep, and so, so much more — you just have to know what you’re doing so you don’t get overwhelmed!

A great for a platform to promote your product and services.

Learn what type of posts Instagram supports:

1) Create a Post with a Single Image

2) Create a Post with Multiple Images

3) Create a Story

4) Create a Video Post

Suggested Posts: 30 to 40 posts should go per month

Tip for Instagram: Apart from this, We can follow relevant hashtags and engage with other accounts.

Consult Suresh if you want to achieve your desired marketing goals with Instagram. He is just a click away.

Follow Suresh Chaudhary on Instagram.

4. Linkedin for business

LinkedIn is a social media platform geared to professionals. You can send a connection request to other profiles to get to know about their content.

It enables you to network and to build your professional portfolio, but you can also go out into the world and look for a new job. Professionals who’ve been in business for decades use LinkedIn and so do newly minted college grads.

Amazing professional social media platform to utilize for your business.

Learn what type of posts Linkedin supports:

  1. Create a textual post,

2) Share a post with Image or video or document

Suggested Posts: 5 to 10 posts should go per month

Tip for Linkedin: Apart from this, you can join related groups and you can share your content there.

Connect with Suresh on Linkedin and get his help with Linkedin Marketing.

You can read my full post here - Basics Of Social Media: Free Beginner’s Guide Suresh Chaudhary


  1. It is very important to understand the platform first before starting the promotion.
  2. Choose the best social media platforms only where you feel your target audience is present. It’s an effort from your side and I am sure you don't want to waste your effort.
  3. To start with I recommend to create your business profile on social channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Linkedin.
  4. If you think you can do this and maintain the consistency go for it. If not then you can hire an expert who can manage this on behalf of you.

Do let me know your thoughts on this in the comment section below. If the guide is helpful do share in your network. Thank you


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