What type of person are you?
Will Polston
Helping Driven Entrepreneurs To Live A Life They Love | Best Selling Author | Award Winning Business Strategist & Performance Coach
There are two types of people in this world...
And I don’t mean male and female!??
There are the See It To Believe It People:
They are the people that have to have done something before or know someone else has done/achieved something to believe it is possible for them.
They often ‘self reason’ AKA make excuses, as to why they can’t do X goal.
An example of these type of people are the 100 or so people that achieved a 4 minute mile the year Roger Banister did it.
They often are influenced by others, hear ‘the voices’ in their head of opinions of parents from yesteryear, old teachers and even ‘friends’ telling them that X dream can’t be achieved.
And then there are the Believe It To See It People:
These people believe, so strongly, in what they desire that they make it a reality.
These people are often referred to as ‘deluded’ and ‘crazy’ as first.
They see X goal so clearly they know it’s already happening, infact they often already perceive it to exist, reality is just catching up.
They play it out in the theatre of their mind over and over again, they stay congruent to their values, create relationships with those that can assist them and take constant action to achieve X goals.
These people are the likes of The Wright Brothers, Richard Branson, Steve Jobs, Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Arnold Schwarzenegger just to name a few.
These people are often seen as inspirational, but I don’t think that should be because of what they achieved but because they were willing to believe in the unseen and make it a reality, THAT is that is truly inspirational.
So what type of person are you?
A see it to believe it person?
A believe it to see it person?
The person you choose to be will have a significant impact on your life, so choose wisely.
Until next time… make it happen.
p.s. Have you downloaded my free ebook Staying Positive: 10 Simple Tips to Staying Positive? Click here to download it now!