What Type of Person are You?
The Reasonable Man
I stumbled across this quote by George Bernard Shaw the well-known Irish playwright, critic, political activist, and brilliant stirrer of the pot (advocating women’s rights so 75 years ago).??
He was quoted as saying:
“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”??
What Shaw is saying is that there are two types of people:?one accepting of the status quo and the other who challenge it.?According to the quote, progress can only be made by those who challenge the status quo, the "unreasonable" ones.
I can’t help to think of Steve Jobs here and the Here’s to the Crazy Ones campaign in 1997!??
This encourages us to be creative and innovate and pursue goals, rather than simply let time pass us being part of the status quo.
What about you?