What type of investor are you?
There are hundreds of ways to make money in real estate, and in this newsletter series, I'm going to go over the basics of getting started. Throughout the series, we'll have some free tools for you, and I'll walk you through each step:
Step 1: Getting Started and What You'll Bring to the Deal (Who are you?) This is the building block of EVERYTHING you do!?
Step 2: Gather Information
Step 3: Connecting with Local Investing Groups
Step 4: Build Your Team
Step 5: Take Action
I could say that these are easy steps to take...but, they're not. You'll have to commit to this process, and stick with it. Treat it like a job where you're creating financial security and freedom for you and your loved ones.
Real estate investing is an exciting journey filled with immense profits and challenges that you need to know before you start. This course aims to provide you with the basics of real estate investing so that the whole thing seems a lot easier for you. Indeed, investing in real estate has its risks; but I think they're worth it. And you can minimize those risks by following the steps I outline in my book.
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