What Type of Content Is Still King? (research)
In the wild world of the pandemic, content isn’t just still king, it’s now more valuable than ever. Streaming services are booming. Education and entertainment are at an all time high. And marketers are definitely not missing that boat of the online ‘captive audiences’. Here’s some research done by SalesIntel to prove that content is indeed still the hot stuff everything always thought it to be.
Marketers Know
70% of marketers are actively investing in content marketing. “What exactly is that?”, a non-marketer might ask. Well, it’s basically any type of article, video or speech you put out for the viewing pleasure of the public about your company and how it helps people. It’s as simple as that. And if you’re not a company that realizes the importance of putting out content, then I hope this article will serve as a gentle reminder to kick you into gear to generate some pronto.
Blog Blog Blog
Companies that blog (write articles on their website and on social media) are sitting pretty. They have 55% more website visitors, 67% more monthly leads and 97% more inbound leads! In fact, one of my podcast guests who targets giant corporations and their C-suite execs swears that he hasn’t gotten a single client that wasn’t through a prospect reading his blogs. Now, that’s the power of the pen. And if you’re in the camp who outsources it to clueless writers who don’t understand your prospect’s industry pain or language, then you’re better off saving your money. Because generic blogs are as useless as having no blogs.
Video Stars Are Us
You’ve heard of the saying that he’d rather be in the coffin than be doing the eulogy? It’s almost true for video. Some business owners are terrified of this content medium. But the SalesIntel study is going to convince you to ditch the fear because there are hungry customers waiting to hire you through video. Here’s why: Video is the #1 form or media used in content strategies (vs. sound and text). Youtube viewing is at 250 Million hours per day globally and some of these guys are doing it for buying decisions. For example more than half of shoppers say they used online video while actually shopping in a store, for God’s sake. As for format, 68% of viewers watch a business video until the end if it’s less than a minute long. Not to mention that 66% of consumers prefer watching a video to reading about a product. So what are you waiting for? Put that pretty mug on your phone camera!
The Podcasting Rage
Finally the biggest player rising in the Content scene is the podcast. It’s crazy that in the US alone, podcast ad revenues are projected to surpass $1Billion by the end of this year. Podcasts now reach over 100 Million people per month and 82% of people listen to them for more than 7 hours per week. That’s why I now have 3 separate podcasts and continue to teach my clients how to use it as a completely legitimate and innovative funnel tool to meet hard-to-meet prospects.
Yes folks, if you’ve been burying your head in the content sand and trying to avoid investing in creating good, strategic and memorable content, you’re not alone. But sadly, you’re letting go of huge prospecting opportunities right under your nose.
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