It’s no secret that TikTok has exploded in popularity practically overnight. Because the platform is so new, there’s no real guide on how businesses should be using it. But we do know a few things to be true. Firstly EVERY business can benefit from being on TikTok (see here). And secondly, many businesses have seen major success on the platform (see here). So, the next question that arises is, what exactly should your business be posting on TikTok? Don’t worry, we’ve got all the information you need!


1. COLLABORATIONS: Creating collaborations with other TikTok influencers is a great way to expand your businesses’ audience and reach because your business is essentially being put in front of a whole new audience. Collaborations can be in the form of endorsements, hashtag challenges, marketing campaigns, and account takeovers. Memorable collaborations that have brought in serious views include Walmart’s Black Friday Campaign #DealDropDance, Mucinex’s #TooSickToBeSick Challenge, and Kool-Aids’ #OhYEAHChristmas campaign.

2. BRANDED HASHTAG CHALLENGES: This is when a company asks its viewers to do a certain task, post a video about it, and tag them using a special branded hashtag. This is a great way to build engagement with your audience and create valuable brand recognition. A few examples of successful hashtag challenges are Guess’s #InMyDenim, Mac’s #YouOwnIt, and Chipotle’s #ChipotleLidFlip Challenge.

3. TIPS AND TRICKS: TikTok is one of the best platforms for your business to be sharing tips and tricks on because, by nature, the platform’s content is light, airy, and fun! So, when making this type of content, try to keep it short, to the point, and explain to viewers why they absolutely need these tips and tricks. Bonus: try asking your audience to post a video of themselves trying out your tips/tricks and to tag your business with your branded hashtag. Check out AMR’s TikTok account to see how we make content like this!

4. TUTORIALS: Similarly to tips and tricks, tutorials are another great way for businesses to provide educational content. TikTok users are loving these types of step-by-step guides because it makes them feel like they are interacting with companies on a personal level. This is evident as the #tutorial has over 52 billion views on TikTok!

5. PERSONAL AND BEHIND THE SCENES CONTENT: When deciding what type of content to create, businesses should keep in mind that TikTok has become known as one of the most informal platforms out there. This means that users don’t want to see the same type of content that your business is posting on Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn. Instead, opt for content that gives your viewers a chance to get to know your business on a more personal level. Many companies that have used this type of approach have seen major success. Some of the most notable being @nba and @washingtonpost.

6. Q AND A’S: Q and A posts are essential for businesses. This type of content shows users that your business is serious about engaging with customers and values taking the time to respond to FAQs and feedback. This is also a great way to create awareness about your brand’s mission, share new product features, and highlight what customers can expect from your organization in the future.

7. USER-GENERATED CONTENT: And lastly, businesses should be focusing on creating content that encourages TikTok users to create their own content in response. The process of getting users to think of, create, and post content in response to your brand/business/product is enormously powerful and signals that they are likely very loyal to your brand. And by doing so, they are essentially providing your business with free marketing and brand awareness! So how do you get users to make this type of content? Try creating videos that users can easily duet and make sure to feature users in your own videos.

So remember, TikTok is not the place for your business to be posting videos that are inherently ‘ad like.’ This will likely only do you harm because this Is NOT the place for your business to be putting out Marketing 101 content. Throw out the rule book and opt to use this platform to create content FOR your target audience. Showing users that you can adapt to a new platform and follow up and coming trends will ultimately determine your success on TikTok.

Now that you know what type of content your business should be posting on TikTok, it’s time to get to work!


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